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Over the past ten years we have had a deluge of Cultural Change programs, and articles, to the point where something that was such an important consideration for how we set up and ran our businesses, has now, in many cases become a complex and laborious chore.
Creating a positive culture is simple when we realise that no one size fits all. That the culture you create within your organisation must be relevant to your organisation, its people and the industry you are in.
Of course, there are some basic things that apply to all situations, but at the end of the day, you and your team are the only ones who know what is right for you.
The problem is that when I ask many of the organisations and teams that I work with, “what does a positive culture look like for you in your workplace?", many of them have no real idea.
They think being happy without conflict is what culture is.
That is a part of it, but improved interpersonal relationships, a celebration mentality, having each other’s backs, understanding and being a part of the vision and involving everyone in the innovation process are just some of the other important considerations.
There is no doubt that the way we work and the way we create culture within our workplaces is changing and will continue to change at a rapid rate.
Now everyone wants a say, and so they should.
The experts tell us that culture is – ‘the way we do things around here.’
So, get the basics right but unless everyone is a part of culture creation, then we will continue to go around in circles.
But, also remember, culture is not static. It is a living process that must evolve to cater for a rapidly changing workforce.
So, that means that – ‘the way we do things around here’, must also continually change.
Ask your team members what they think having a positive workplace culture means.
You will be absolutely staggered at how different it is to what we might have thought and when we have so many differing opinions, it is no wonder that the creation of workplace culture becomes complex.
But it doesn’t need to be!
Co-CEO Richard Dore will be conducting our very popular Positive Culture Day across Australia in November. This program always sells out, so book your places/tables now to ensure you know exactly what is involved in creating a positive workplace culture.
Also download Richard Dore’s article ‘The Culture Pulse Test’ here or in the news items section of this email.
Des Penny – Co-CEO
Proteus Leadership
Download this great article on culture from Co-CEO at Proteus Leadership – Richard Dore.
Registrations for the Leading Innovation and Strategy conference in Bali on 14th & 15th August 2019 will close on Friday. Please contact us if you are still thinking of attending.
Richard Dore presents Creating A Positive Culture Seminar in Canberra in subzero conditions.
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Creating a positive workplace culture and dealing with the tough ‘people’ situations at work are two of the toughest assignments we have as leaders. For many years now Proteus has assisted thousands of leaders to do just that.
Through the very popular ‘Creating A Positive Culture’ and ‘Tough Love Leadership’ sessions, many leaders have found answers to the issues that they have to deal with every day.
What people are saying about Positive Culture Day program:
“Energising, uplifting, thought-provoking and some real 'ah-ha' moments!”
Fiona Allen - Air Tickets
“Excellent interactive sessions with relevant information; encouraging an effective and enjoyable workplace. The course was extremely well presented, by a knowledgeable presenter.”
Wade Irvine - Hobart International Airport
“Exceptional and hilarious training with real-world examples of equipping participants with tools and strategies to foster a positive and accountable culture in their workplace.”
Alyda Domantay - Barwon Child, Youth & Family
“Motivating session that is great to attend with your team to all get on the same page when it comes to your workplace/team culture.”
Elise Adams - The Salvation Army
“Thought-provoking, gave me positive ideas which I look forward to putting into practice!”
Trish Brown - AVEO Group