Backpacks 4 VIC Kids - Proteus Leadership
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Backpacks 4 VIC Kids

BFVK have supplied Victorian children with over 10,000 ME packs.

Backpacks 4 VIC Kids (B4VK) is a not-for-profit charitable organisation founded by Sally Beard in 2014. The organisation is run by and relies heavily on an incredible team of volunteers. 

Their purpose is to aid displaced children by providing the essentials needed most urgently, long before any arrangements have been made to further support them.  Often children are placed quickly into foster or kinship care, for example, without much more than what they are wearing at the time. B4VK provide displaced children with a few essential items to help resource them, restore dignity, self-worth, and to show them someone cares.

B4VK have several programs and initiatives to assist these children to feel safe and supported during such turmoil. A few of these that we would like to highlight are:-

My Essentials (ME) Packs

These packs (backpacks) include basic toiletries, clothing, pyjamas, a torch, and extra love items such as soft toys, blankets, and games to provide some comfort as they fall asleep in a stranger’s home. Incredibly, since 2015, BFVK have supplied Victorian children with over 10,000 ME packs.

School Essentials

This program provides stationery packs, and back to school items such as lunchboxes, drink bottles and combination padlocks to students of families facing financial hardship.

Christmas 4 Kids In Care

This program was established in 2016 to bring joy to children in care who are likely to receive very little if anything for Christmas. 

In 2020 B4VK provided 4,738 children in out of home care, emergency accommodation and refuges something to smile about this Christmas. What an amazing achievement. 

Proteus were again honoured to be able to support this program by donating 50 Santa Sacks full of goodies such as sporting equipment, games, toys, books, teddies, dolls, nail polish and so much more.

How can you help?

B4VK operate solely on donations sought through fundraising, grants, and sponsorship. In 2022 they are aiming to support at least 8,850 children experiencing the trauma of displacement.

Backpack for Kids

You can donate funds, donate goods/items (a list of current items they need can be found on their website), organise a toy drive in your workplace, school, or sporting club, donate backpacks or sew a Santa sack!

It has again been our privilege at Proteus to be able to assist organisations such as these to help our community. The needs are so great, but every little bit helps, so what can you do in your own community to make a difference?

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