Workplace Culture - Proteus Leadership creating positive & robust cultures
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How do you rate the culture in your workplace?

Take the Culture Pulse Test to hack into your workplace culture and put it on the agenda!


Workplace Culture

For over two decades, Proteus Leadership has been working with individual leaders, teams and organisations to consciously work on creating positive and robust cultures. We have shared many of our design strategies including; employing and keeping only highly functional adults that are emotionally intelligent, establishing a culture of fighting clean, destroying dysfunction and killing off toxic influences and saboteurs. We provide the tools and templates to help organisations create the space where positive people can shine and get on with delivering great products and exceptional services to your clients.

What Is Workplace Culture?

Culture in simple terms is “The way we do things around here.” which is observed in people’s behaviours. An ideal culture is when behaviour matches rhetoric - ie. Do what you say you do.

How do you rate the culture at your workplace?

Workplace culture is going to happen with or without you, and because it is not linear, your culture will do one of two things. When proactively worked on it will either spiral successfully upwards or, if left unchecked it will spiral downwards and quickly unravel. As Michael Henderson, culture guru and author of ‘Above the Line’ says “every organisation has a culture, whether it knows it or not. The trick is to know it and act accordingly.”

At Proteus Leadership, we have always strongly believed it is critical that culture is something that is constantly worked on by design, rather than left to happen by default.

Download and take the Culture Pulse Test to see where your workplace culture currently stands.

Culture Pulse Test

Did You Know?

of employees leave because of their managers
of Staff would perfer a new Boss to a pay rise
of employees are not engaged while at work. Every disengaged employee is costing you an average of $40k per annum.
Your profit can increase by 200% by having great managers


"Energising, uplifting, thought-provoking and some real 'ah-ha' moments!"

Fiona Allen

"Excellent interactive sessions with relevant information; encouraging an effective and enjoyable workplace. The course was extremely well presented, by a knowledgeable presenter."

Wade Irvine

"Exceptional and hilarious training with real-world examples of equipping participants with tools and strategies to foster a positive and accountable culture in their workplace."

Alyda Domantay

"Motivating session that is great to attend with your team to all get on the same page when it comes to your workplace/team culture"

Elise Adams

"Thought-provoking, gave me positive ideas which I look forward to putting into practice!"

Trish Brown
 🔔 The Proteus offices across Australia will close at 12:30pm (AEDT)
on Friday 20th December 2024 and will reopen on Monday 6th January 2025. 
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