A Bias for Action Proteus Leadership I Leadership I Programs
1300 219 903
Des Bit

A Bias for Action

“You don’t need more time. You simply need to decide.” - Seth Godin

Hi Everyone,

This piece is scheduled to be released whilst I’m flying to Perth to emcee our Proteus Breakfast Series, “Living and Leading with Insight” featuring Des Penny as the keynote speaker.

In fact, this is Des’ last hurrah as a presenter as he now transitions into leading our strategy and marketing initiatives, while creating new Proteus products and delivering more episodes in his popular Podcast series.

As we deliver our breakfast series around Australia, I find myself reflecting on the incredibly good fortune that I’ve had over the last 25 years running the business alongside Des, the founder of Proteus.

It’s brought me to think more deeply about the key leadership characteristics that I love about Proteus while being continually mentored by Des.

The obvious ones are inspiration, honesty, candour, deep insight, proactiveness, motivation, integrity, and staying relevant by being an 'optimistic disturber' amongst others.

Then it struck me… the one leadership characteristic that I cherish most is decisiveness with a ‘Bias For Action.’

Perhaps it resonates so strongly with me because of the opposite - leaders who don't make decisions and oversee highly risk-averse workplace cultures, that rarely evolve due to excessive procrastination – it drives me bonkers!

Such indecisiveness and a reluctance to act, results in a 'Bias for Inaction.' 

At times I need to remind clients (and myself) that ‘no one is immune’ from experiencing tough workplace challenges. Plus, there’s the constant and urgent need to transform and remain relevant in a world that is changing exponentially.

It's essential for us to continually make decisions. We need leaders who back their teams and themselves, making insightful and purposeful judgment calls, that are decisively driven with the right intent, and for the greater good for our customers.

We also need ‘clear and actionable roadmaps’ to help people know how to move forward. In essence, we all need to have a 'Bias For Action' in our workplace culture DNA.

We haven't always got this right at Proteus. We certainly make mistakes. However, one thing that Des possesses (and has instilled in us), is the ability to 'read the room,' reflect deeply with insight, and then Take Decisive Action. This, coupled with a set of actionable steps for the team, enable us to gain momentum and move forward into our agreed-upon, future state.

Deciding and Preparing Proteus for 2024

One significant focus for our team has been finalising our 2024 Proteus Schedule, with our new line-up of workshops, programs and keynote events.

In this process, we’ve decided to redesign The Complete Leader program, and we’re also in the final stages of rewriting our Multi-session Programs with an exciting new look.

Proteus 1-Day Frenzy

We’re excited to announce that the above offerings will be available at a 1 day only reduced rate, during our upcoming Professional Development Frenzy on Thursday 16th November.

So please, get cracking and take advantage of this great opportunity to deliver on your L&D plans, and book people into our 2024 sessions at this reduced rate.

Pre-Orders are now open click on the button below to view all the Frenzy Pricing and to make pre-orders.


Have a wonderful week.




Richard Dore
CEO - Lead Educator

Proteus Leadership


Frenzy Pre-Orders Now Open

Have you heard about our 1 Day Frenzy on the 16th November 2023? Well, we have some good news for you! Pre-Orders are now open so you can get your booking in now and we will process it on the day. Click on the button below to see all the Frenzy Day pricing and links to the Pre-Order form.



Off to Perth for Breakfast

Off to Perth

On Thursday 9th of November Des Penny will be presenting his second last public speaking event, Leading & Living with Insight. The final stop will be Brisbane. Richard Dore will also be presenting our popular Creating A Positive Culture Workshop directly after the Breakfast in both locations.


What Our Facilitators Have Been Doing

Brett Hopkins delivers two Proteus workshops for the National Leadership Team at the Academy of Interactive EntertainmentCreating A Positive Culture and Having Conversations That Matter. We love the inspirational artwork on the walls #loveWhatYouDo!



Jen Bierge joins Tamar Rabba, Noel Reid and the AMA team for Series 2 of the Frontline Leadership Program in Melbourne.



Richard Dore was in Sydney last week at the Northern Beaches Council and delivered Making Decisions That Matter workshop to an amazing group of leaders.



In-house programs

If you'd like to conduct an In-house program either virtually or face-to-face at your workplace, please contact us on 1300 219 903 or click the button below.


Contact Us


Have You Listened To The Let's Go - Let's Grow Podcast With Des Penny Yet?

If you're looking for a podcast that will help you become a better leader and grow your business, we highly recommend Let's Go - Let's Grow with Des Penny. Whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting out in your career, you're sure to find valuable insights and inspiration in these conversations. So, why not give them a listen today and subscribe by clicking on the link below?

Let’s GO – Let’s GROW Podcast


Follow Us On Social Media

Every week we post inspirational articles, events and information and we would love you to be a part of that. So, if you would like to follow Proteus Leadership on LinkedIn or  Instagram, then click on the button below.


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Feature Program
Pre-Order Now - Frenzy
16th November 2023 - 9am - 5pm AEDT

Proteus Leadership is holding a Professional Development FRENZY for all of our Virtual 2024 Webinars, Workshops, Multi-Session Programs, Group Bookings and face-to-face/virtual In-house programs.

Strictly 1 Day Only - 16th November 2023 9AM - 5PM (AEDT Melbourne time).

Don’t miss this opportunity to access some of the most relevant Leadership Development programs in Australia for yourself and your team.

​​​​Save the date in your calendar and set a reminder.

To find out more call us on 1300 219 903 or click on the button below.

Remember the frenzy is for one day only - Don't miss out!
(Thursday 16th November ⏰ 9 - 5pm AEDT Melbourne time).

More Info

Leadership Speak
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