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Don’t Get Left Behind

"It’s healthy to grow our own strengths rather than be intimidated by the strengths of others."

– Simon Sinek

Life is not a competition, or a quest to make others look less than ourselves, nor is it about who has the most knowledge, because knowledge is absolutely useless unless you know how to apply it to your life and help others do the same.

But continual personal and professional development is essential, especially in these crazy times, and that is completely up to us to make happen and manage.

Things are changing quickly and so must we. It is imperative that we don’t get left behind in how we run our businesses and departments and how we prepare ourselves to do so.

Change happens with or without us!

Last week I introduced two more programs to our workshop schedule and this week I am introducing another two workshops simply to help leaders stay relevant and on top of things. So, get on board personally, and/or take this opportunity to motivate and educate your team.

Check out the link below for all of our remaining 2021 Workshops.

Remember: all of these programs can be conducted In-house Virtually, or Face-To-Face, (depending on COVID restrictions).

Contact the Proteus team if you would like to schedule a program for your team.

Have a great week.


Des Penny


Virtual Workshops


VIC Breakfast ‘Sold Out‘

Even with constant lockdowns, our Victorian breakfast currently scheduled for 1st September (subject to COVID restrictions) has SOLD OUT. Can’t wait to be back Face-to-Face with our Victorian clients. We will keep you posted if there are any changes.


Two More Inspirational Workshops Scheduled

Two more exciting Leadership workshops have been added to our 2021 schedule this week.

10th November
Moving From Mate To Manager 


7th December
Creating A Culture Of Selling


Click on the buttons to find out more about these two programs and view our whole schedule by clicking on the button below.



Congratulations Ben Smith

Newly appointed Corporate Services Manager, Ben Smith, celebrates 5 years at Proteus this week. Congratulations Ben, we love having you on the team.


Thank You Japan, And To Our Aussie Athletes

Having been in lockdown myself, the Olympics could not have come at a better time. I expected to enjoy them, but not as much as I did. The way Japan hosted them and the performances and mateship of the Australian athletes was impeccable and lifted the spirits of many people back home. Thank you to everyone involved, you should be so proud.


Follow Us On Social Media

If you would like to know what’s happening at Proteus and join the Proteus family, then don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and/or Youtube.

Feature Program
Two MORE Inspirational Virtual Workshops – Register Now!

10th November
Moving From Mate To Manager

Virtual Workshop

Today like never before, organisations need supervisors and team leaders who are highly effective and produce results through people. Technical skills and experience on the job were often sufficient in the past, but having the insights and skills to move from ‘Mate to Manager’ is essential in today’s workplaces.

Many of the mistakes that supervisors make are simply because they have not been shown a better way at the beginning and therefore they can develop bad habits. So that is why we want to get the ideas and processes right from the start?

This program is both practical and dynamic. It has been designed to give you the best chance of success as you grow in your leadership role.


  • Understanding your role
  • Understanding effective teams
  • Moving from mate to manager
  • The art of delegation
  • Motivating yourself and others
  • Building trust and managing conflict
  • Managing psychological safety in the workplace

Register Now


7th December
Creating A Culture Of Selling

Virtual Workshop

Everyone A Salesperson
This program has been designed to assist individuals and teams create and embrace a culture of selling. It also looks at how the sales process can be conducted in a highly ‘functional’ way and indeed be one of the most powerful and positive activities in our organisations.


  • Why we are all selling something
  • The 3 step sales fundamentals - process, methodology & skills
  • Dysfunctional vs. functional selling
  • The role of trust and a unified team approach
  • The 5 best practices of exceptional salespeople
  • Selling and leading as you serve
  • Handling objections and engaging different buying personalities
  • Action plan – creating a culture of selling

Register Now