Lifting Your Leadership Lid Lifting Your Leadership Lid I Leadership I Programs
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22 October 2024 / View previous Posts

Lifting Your Leadership Lid


"To reach the highest level of effectiveness, you have to raise the lid on your leadership ability." John C Maxwell

Recently, I had a great conversation with both the National Training Manager and COO of a large Australian retailer… about re-engaging for their L&D partnership with Proteus during 2025.

Typically, these discussions tend to focus on fixing ‘problem people’, or frustrations around leadership gaps. But this time, it was different!

They shared how they’ve continued to transform their workplace culture and operations since we last worked together. It was incredibly re-affirming to hear how they have adapted and grown as a company in such turbulent times, building both a robust and resilient team.

Their focus was now on taking their leadership to the next level. Moving from ‘Good to Great’ as Jim Collins famously stated. And their plan? Start with a pilot program for their ‘Superstar Leaders,’ who report to the COO. Then expand this same initiative across their various targeted leadership cohorts.

What stood out to me was their commitment to sending a clear message to all aspiring leaders: Proactive and high potential leadership is what gets recognised and rewarded here!

When I asked about the ultimate goal, the COO’s response was quick and clear:

“Richard it’s all about using John Maxwell’s approach and ‘lifting the lid’ on their leadership. We can only grow to the level of their leadership abilities. It’s our responsibility to show them how to do that, by lifting their leadership lid.”

Is Your Current Lid Limiting You?

Maxwell’s concept is simple: your potential success in life, business, or any endeavour is limited by your leadership ability.

Take for example a local sports team. Imagine you appoint an ex-player as coach for a team of talented players. They’re a nice person and a skilled player, but their leadership ability is currently a 4, on a scale of 1 to 10.

No matter how skilled the players are, the team’s performance will be limited by the coach’s leadership level of 4!

The same principle applies to the workplace.

Picture a brilliant employee (an 8 on technical skills) who gets promoted to team leader. Suddenly, they’re operating at a 2 out of 10 on leadership abilities. Their technical skills are great, but their ‘leadership lid’ limits the team’s potential.

Transitioning from being a great employee to a great leader requires more than just technical expertise. It demands a new mindset. One that shifts from being ‘a mate’ to becoming a leader of people.

Here are just some of the essential leadership skills they’ll need to develop:

  • Navigating tough conversations
  • Effective communication
  • Workplace coaching
  • Managing poor performance and inappropriate behaviour - without crossing legal lines!
  • Mastering basic HR functions like being part of the recruitment, onboarding, succession planning and performance reviews process
  • Increasing staff engagement scores
  • Orchestrating a high-performance robust team culture that hits targets

All this, whilst growing into an emotionally intelligent leader who can flex their style to influence the right behaviours and outcomes.

Lifting the Lid

The key… having in place a proactive development plan to raise people’s leadership capabilities.

If a leader is at a 5, the goal should be lifting that to a 7 or 8. By equipping them with the right skills to lead people effectively.

Once their leadership lid is raised, team performance will improve. The team will be more engaged and motivated. Work will flow more smoothly and effectively. Overall success will rise because the barrier of ‘limited leadership’ has been removed.

Remember, no one gets promoted and magically receives all the skills of a great leader overnight.

To see greater success, you must ‘raise your lid.’ The higher your leadership lid, then the more successful you, your team and your organisation can become.

Wishing you a productive week lifting the leadership lid across your workplace.




Richard Dore
CEO - Director of Partnerships

Proteus Leadership

Featured Program
Making Decisions That Matter - Virtual Workshop

Making Decisions That Result in Success

Poor leaders are indecisive leaders, while Great leaders make decisions and then back themselves and their people resulting in great outcomes. They continually make insightful judgement calls to act, with the right intent and for the greater good.

Simply put, great leaders make great decisions.

However, making continual strategic and tactical decisions can be daunting as they come with risks and can be fraught with self-doubt that can lead to procrastination.

This workshop will decode leadership decisiveness and help you to use both creative and critical decision-making tools and templates. Here you will gain the confidence to make innovative decisions that matter and result in success.

Spaces are filling fast for this exclusive and powerful program. Time is running out.


Half-Day Virtual Workshop:

Final Program 2024! 18 November



    • Why decisiveness is critical to leadership credibility
    • Establishing your leadership intuitiveness for critical decisions
    • How to utilise the creative and the critical thinking stages
    • Building in risk and failure as a part of success
    • Learning how to stay in the question
    • Maximising decisions using De Bono’s ‘Six Hats’ model


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