Right People, Right Teams, Right Outcomes - Proteus Leadership
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Des Bit

Right People, Right Teams, Right Outcomes

At Proteus we've been talking about, in fact ranting for years about, only recruiting and keeping fully formed adults.

In fact, I was reading Patty McCord’s book, the ex-chief talent officer at Netflix recently, and she says this, “treat people like adults”.

This really inspired me to take my concept further around employing and keeping fully formed adults and developing it into a Breakfast Keynote presentation called - Right People, Right Teams, Right Outcomes.

So, I'm really excited and thrilled to be delivering our Proteus Breakfast Series around Australia on that topic. I hope to see you there, in fact bring your whole team.

The Breakfast dates are as follows:

  • Adelaide - 15 October 2019
  • Melbourne - 17 October 2019
  • Brisbane - 23 October 2019
  • Sydney - 30 October 2019
  • Perth - 7 November 2019

Richard Dore - Co-CEO
Proteus Leadership


Proteus Breakfast (May 2019)

Breakfast Event
Breakfast Event

This year we are holding two Leadership Breakfasts in our Series. The first breakfast was in May where Des Penny, Co-CEO presented a national keynote on ‘The Tribe Has Spoken’.

We had a great turn out and even better responses from the delegates who attended.

Richard Dore will be presenting at the second breakfast presentation in the series speaking on the topic, ‘Right People, Right Teams, Right Outcomes’.

If you are yet to attend a Breakfast event, or you are one of our tribe, we highly recommend you attend this one. In-fact bring your whole team along and take advantage of the great networking opportunities and enjoy a hot breakfast while you’re at it.

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We have just launched our profile on Instagram @proteusleadership – We will be posting photos from our events, Friday quotes, videos and updates.  So if you have an account, follow us and share your photos and thoughts.

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Leadership Breakfast Series #2
With Richard Dore

Breakfast Series #2

Breakfast Series #2 With Richard Dore - Right People, Right Teams, Right Outcomes

How To Design Your Team For Great Results - Bring your whole team to this inspirational event where Richard Dore - Co-CEO, Proteus Leadership will share insights on how to help leaders get the right people, the right teams and the right outcomes and will show leaders how to design and lead their team while getting great work done.

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