What Will Your Legacy Be? Proteus Leadership I Leadership I Programs
1300 219 903
Des Bit

What Will Your Legacy Be?


Hi everyone,

“The Merchant of Death is Dead”

In 1888 a Swedish inventor named Alfred found himself reading his own obituary in a newspaper with the stark headline, ‘The Merchant of Death is Dead.’

Alfred was very wealthy, still very much alive and would live another eight more years until his eventual death in 1896.

He was an inventor, scientist and industrialist who held over 350 different patents, including one for dynamite.

Dynamite was a game-changer, revolutionising construction and mining with its explosive power. Yet, it was also tragically used to devastating effect in warfare.

In a bizarre mix-up, following the death of his brother Ludvig, a French newspaper erroneously published an obituary for Alfred. In this scathing article, Alfred was criticised for amassing his wealth through the creation of destructive weapons.

Struck by this macabre glimpse into his future legacy, Alfred Nobel underwent profound introspection to reflect on how he would be remembered when his time eventually did come.

This ultimately played a pivotal role in his decision to allocate most of his vast fortune to establish the Nobel Prizes, that were designed to recognise and reward significant contributions to humanity in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature, and Peace.

Alfred Nobel died at the age 63. He was 55 when he confronted the brutal reality (and I would say, privilege) of reading his own obituary that provided a candid glimpse into how some people perceived him.

Imagine if you had the chance today to glimpse at your future obituary and see what people might truly say about you. Would you seize this opportunity to make any changes and shape a more positive and lasting legacy?

So, what will your legacy be?

P.S. - Last week my laptop died!

After resurrecting an old spare clunker (for my temporary laptop) and losing 2 days of productivity, I was getting a little frustrated with getting behind with my ‘to do’ list.

As I do love to be well prepared in advance - AKA being a control freak!

In these moments of feeling overwhelmed with too much to do, I like to regain perspective by reminding myself of what is ‘important versus urgent.’

It's my way of zooming out and refocusing on some grander legacy goals – like the stuff that could end up on my tombstone. It's funny because I ask myself, what will that epitaph read,

  • “I responded quickly to all emails and meet all my KPIs!” or,
  • “I made a difference.”

While you think of big bold legacies and making a difference, you may also be aware that the annual Nobel Prizes are currently being announced. First awarded in 1901, they continue to be some of the most prestigious global awards.

Every year when the Nobel Prizes come around, I am reminded of this great legacy story.

Have a great week.




Richard Dore
CEO - Lead Educator

Proteus Leadership


Melbourne Airport - Office For The Day

Richard Dore and Des Penny presenting to our team from the Virgin Lounge Office at the Melbourne Airport. Each month we hold an ‘all staff’ day to get the team together from all over Australia.


Preparing For The Leading And Living With Insight Breakfast Series

Pete Guiney, Partnerships and Events Manager, and the team, have been busy preparing all the logistics for our upcoming face-to-face Leadership Breakfasts with Des Penny in Adelaide, Perth, and Brisbane. Time is running out. If you haven't booked your spots yet, register now!

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Another Busy Week For Our Facilitators

Jen Bierge - facilitated the Leading People & Culture Multi-session public program. Lots of interaction and discussions with Brisbane leaders.

If you would like to find out more about this powerful program, click on the button below for more information and future dates.

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CEO Richard Dore led the last face-to-face session with Barwon Southwestern Regional Integrated Cancer Service workshops series – Thank you Alison and team, It was awesome working with you again.



Korrine Jones - facilitated the Emerging Leaders Multi-session program, the group coaching and graduation for the first three Urban Utilities cohorts. A great program with a great group of people.

Click on the button below to view the upcoming programs. Don't miss out!

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Sarah Savvas (NSW) travelled to Canberra to deliver two practical - Having Conversations That Matter workshops with National Capital Hospital. Amazing sessions. Register yourself and/or your team into the final program of 2023!

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What Our Clients Are Saying

Here is some feedback from our Leadership Programs and Workshops:

This has been very worth while. Some of the different processes for dealing with the day to day issues in our company has been great.
Craig Barrett - Emerging Leaders 


This program was a great insight and will help build my team of mainly new staff, by understanding their behaviours, having meaningful conversations and helping my team become a high performing team.
Samantha Dingwall - Leading People & Culture 


Very engaging with clear presentation and involvement from participants.
Felicity Rodrigues - Presenting With Confidence 


Practical and inspiring teaching around the art of coaching which includes activities to cement the experience!
Sara Fleming - Coaching With Confidence 


In-house programs

If you'd like to conduct an In-house program either virtually or face-to-face at your workplace, please contact us on 1300 219 903 or click the button below.


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Have You Listened To The Let's Go - Let's Grow Podcast With Des Penny Yet?

If you're looking for a podcast that will help you become a better leader and grow your business, we highly recommend Let's Go - Let's Grow with Des Penny. Whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting out in your career, you're sure to find valuable insights and inspiration in these conversations. So, why not give them a listen today and subscribe by clicking on the link below?

Let’s GO – Let’s GROW Podcast


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Every week we post inspirational articles, events and information and we would love you to be a part of that. So, if you would like to follow Proteus Leadership on LinkedIn or  Instagram, then click on the button below.


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Feature Program
Making Decisions That Matter
Virtual Workshop


Register into the final program of 2023!
Last program 25 October - REGISTER NOW!

Poor leaders are indecisive leaders. Great leaders make decisions and then back themselves, their people and the outcomes. They continually make insightful judgement calls to act, with the right intent and for the greater good.

Simply put, great leaders make great decisions.

However, making continual strategic and tactical decisions can be daunting as they come with risks and can be fraught with self-doubt that can lead to procrastination.

This workshop will decode leadership decisiveness and help you to use both creative and critical decision-making tools and templates. Here you will gain the confidence to make innovative decisions that matter and result in success.

  • Why decisiveness is critical to leadership credibility
  • How to utilise the creative and the critical thinking stages
  • Establishing your leadership intuitiveness for critical decisions
  • Building in risk and failure as a part of success
  • Learning how to stay in the question
  • Maximising decisions using De Bono’s ‘Six Hats’ model


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