What’s worse than being Consciously Incompetent? Proteus Leadership I Leadership I Programs
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What’s worse than being Consciously Incompetent?


“I can tell you if the definition of vulnerability is uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure, then being new at something is the epitome of vulnerability.” - Brené Brown

As I prepare for the upcoming ‘Face-2-Face’ breakfast series in June on Embracing the Imposter Syndrome it got me thinking…

When I’m coaching various leaders, they often reveal to me that they are suffering from Imposter Syndrome.

Typically, when digging a little deeper, they tell me that they’re now required to perform and deliver on something that’s outside of their current skill set. They are quite frankly terrified of being ‘exposed and vulnerable’.

The reason they are feeling overwhelmed is because they are in the zone of what educational experts call being Consciously Incompetent. Yikes!

This is a brutal reality but also a breakthrough moment.

Generally, what we discover, is that they are not being disingenuous or behaving like a ‘phoney’, but rather, having what I call an ‘imposter syndrome moment’ where they are currently out of their depth.

What’s required is a new set of skills, thinking and behaviours outside of their current comfort zone.

The reality for anyone going through significant change, is that we are making the transition from being ‘comfortably competent’ into being “consciously incompetent”. This by its very nature causes discomfort.

Whether that’s from moving into a new role, a recent promotion, working on a new project (by definition – projects are one-off and unique) or adopting new systems; the list goes on.

When leaders express to me that they feel like they are going to ‘be found out’ by their colleagues and how unpleasant these feelings make them feel, I often reassure them with, “Well it could be worse”. It’s then that I often quip, “Would you rather experience short-term discomfort while you learn, grow and gain some new skills, or be Unconsciously Incompetent?”

The great news is that they now know what they need to develop into, where they can get to work on gaining those newfound skills with direction and confidence.

In the world of disruptive radical change, we are often required to ‘make it up’ as we go, because the new norm is living in unchartered territory. So, for the insightful that means, we are going to experience more and more times of being Consciously Incompetent.
Short term this is tough, but what’s worse – being known as that Unconsciously Incompetent workplace colleague that has no insight. Don’t become that person!

Once you gain those new skills; you move to being Consciously Competent before moving into that beautiful new flow state of being Unconsciously Competent, where you are ‘in the zone’ and producing great work.

It won’t be long though before you discover that you will need to soon change once again, update your skillset and continue to adapt to our changing world.

Have a wonderful week,




Richard Dore
CEO - Director of Partnerships

Proteus Leadership


Richard Dore Celebrates 25 Years at Proteus Leadership

Richard Dore

CEO Richard Dore celebrated his 25th anniversary at Proteus Leadership. The team took him out for a special lunch to commemorate the occasion. Congratulations Richard and here is to many more years at Proteus!


Face-to-Face Training Programs This Week

Lisa Cutler had her first session back for 2024 with an in-house Frontline Leadership program with AMA Group. This is the second series of this program for AMA. Lead Educator, Matthew Church was also in attendance.


Back In The USA

Grant Davis recommenced training with Gallagher Basset USA, facilitating the fifth cohort through the Leading & Managing Yourself Workshop. Grant Zoomed in for an early morning session with this fantastic group of leaders.

If you would like to find out more about this practical workshop, click on the button below for more information and future dates.

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The Proteus Team Has Grown

As part of our Growth Strategy, two new educators have joined us in the last few months. Simon Fallon and Matthew Church have been busy preparing their programs, ready to start delivering training in the next few months.


Check out the public schedule button below for all our virtual and face-to-face programs that are currently scheduled. We continue to update this schedule based on client feedback and demand.

Professional Development Schedule


Have You Listened To The Let's Go - Let's Grow Podcast With Des Penny Yet?

If you're looking for a podcast that will help you become a better leader and grow your business, we highly recommend Let's Go - Let's Grow with Des Penny. Whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting out in your career, you're sure to find valuable insights and inspiration in these conversations. So, why not give them a listen today and subscribe by clicking on the link below?

Let’s GO – Let’s GROW Podcast


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The Landscape Has Completely Changed
Let’s Get To Work On Transforming With It

Amidst the chaos of Covid, initially I thought the world had gone completely bonkers!

However, as a pragmatic optimist, I held the belief that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for positive transformation, where we can all recalibrate towards a world that is unimaginably better … Yet, clients repeatedly keep asking us in bewilderment:


“What’s going on? I just can’t make sense of this world anymore. I’m not sure what we need to do moving forward. We need help!”


Join us for the Proteus 2024 series of 90-Minute Virtual keynotes featuring Richard Dore, where he will delve into the profound changes in the landscape of leadership and workplaces. Richard will offer insights on how to navigate and positively transform you through these new challenges.


Across this four-part series, Richard will decode the complexities of our changing and chaotic world. He will share compelling stories, valuable insights, practical tools, and roadmaps, guiding us to move beyond a self-centred, entitled mindset. His focus will be on embracing full accountability and working towards What Really Matters.

These webinars are popular, and they will fill up quickly. Don't miss out!

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