On The Road Again - Proteus Leadership I Leadership I Programs I Events
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Des Bit

On The Road Again

Hi everyone,

As I travelled from Queensland to Victoria over the weekend, I was reminded of that old song – ‘On The Road Again’. I know that shows my age, but it was weird travelling again and seeing airports and planes full and apart from masks, it looked like things had returned to some form of normal.

Now I don’t know about you, but I have been avoiding going out and have been giving restaurants a big miss, but I realised it is now time for me to re-enter the big, amazing world we live in. To begin to do the things I love again and face things head on.

We have to be careful and do the right thing, but fear is not an emotion that I want to foster and yet it seems that the past two years have allowed fear to re-enter our lives more than it should.

I think that we can sit passively and wait for everything to change, which it won’t, or we can take the bull by the horns and start to realise that – It is what it is and begin to take back the controls of our own lives and businesses.

Now, I know this is a personal opinion and I would never tell people what they should do in this situation, but I will throw out the challenge – what are the things that you need to reintroduce and start doing again? What are the fears that you need to confront head on?

Maybe it's personal adventures, maybe it’s education, maybe it is going to the theatre or a restaurant, whatever it is, start to do it again.

Our mental health and the health of small businesses across this country need some real and positive attention right now and we can play a role in the healing of both.

I will be careful, and I will obey the rules, but I won’t be dictated to by this virus any longer.

Let’s get our lives and our businesses and our communities up and running again.

This culture of uncertainty, fear and frustration must be tamed, and I make a commitment to live my life to the fullest again.

I commit to not making the restrictions the centre of my conversations, but instead look at what I can do and just do it.

I know it sounds simple, but life is simple until we make it difficult.

So, do something awesome this week and take back the controls.

Have a great week.

Des Penny

Proteus Leadership


All 8 x Proteus Virtual Studios Operating

This week we were excited to see all 8 studios operating across Australia on the same day – How exciting. Thank you for supporting our programs, we really hope that they help you in your leadership role. Check our schedule for upcoming programs.



New Offices In Brisbane – 3 Studios

Today we picked up our keys for our new larger office in Brisbane which incorporates 3 x virtual studios. We will give you address details when we move in – about 3 weeks away.


Coming Soon!!
New Proteuslife Magazine Edition 1, 2022

Our new edition of the FREE Proteuslife magazine is about to be released. Sign up now to receive this quarterly FREE leadership resource.



Our Long-Awaited Breakfast Presentations
Started This Week

After 2 years of juggling face-to-face events, we decided to proceed with our breakfast presentation as a virtual event and have 400+ people about to attend. Richard Dore is the presenter speaking on the topic – Creating a Whole New Mindset. Unfortunately, we cannot take any more bookings, but if you are attending the program – please enjoy.


Rob Hartnett: Working With The Team
At Engineers Australia

Last week Proteus Leadership had the privilege of commencing our Emerging Leaders program with Engineers Australia. The opening kick-off was presented by their new CPO Ricky Pena followed by an engaged and fired up group for the program, which runs until July. Great to work with this team.

Click on the button below to view our full Leadership Development Schedule.



Follow Us On LinkedIn

Every week we post inspirational articles, events and information on LinkedIn and we would love you to be a part of that. So, if you would like to follow Proteus Leadership on LinkedIn and keep informed, then click on the button below.

You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and/or Youtube.

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Feature Program
Moving From Busyness To Effectiveness
Virtual Workshop

Find your focus and create more with less.

Next program: 22nd March

This program will help busy leaders and teams to focus on their priorities and establish strategies to bring about sustainable behavioural change and transformational positive habits.

This is not just another time management program. This workshop helps participants to change the way they think, lead themselves and lead others.

This session will also equip participants with insights, tools and templates to move themselves and their teams from busyness to effectiveness.

Topics Include:

  • Quit Busyness and Get Focussed
  • Manage Your Energy – Not Your Time
  • Energy Effectiveness is Your X-Factor
  • The Critical Three – KRAs, Frogs and Your ABCs
  • Transforming Distractions and Digital Addictions
  • Creating Keystone Habits
  • The Proteus E–Factor

Register Now

 🔔 The Proteus offices across Australia will close at 12:30pm (AEDT)
on Friday 20th December 2024 and will reopen on Monday 6th January 2025. 
Leadership Speak
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