Yayasan Kasih Peduli Anak (YKPA) - Proteus Leadership
1300 219 903

Yayasan Kasih Peduli Anak (YKPA)

Bali Orphanage

Supporting the community.

We are thrilled to be able to advise you that we have formed a partnership with Yayasan Kasih Peduli Anak (YKPA) Bali Orphanage – street kids project in Bali and will be giving 10% of all delegate fees from our conference to the orphanage.

We really are excited about this partnership and look forward to the relationship and the support continuing on well after the conference has finished.

YKPA focuses on keeping young girls and women off the streets, but also has an amazing schooling system that educates street kids who would never have the opportunity to attend school.

We look forward to working with YKPA in a long-term relationship. Visit their website (www.ykpa.org) and take a look at what they do.

Yayasan Kasih Peduli Anak (YKPA) Bali Orphanage


Proteus will also be offering 4 x Full Leadership Scholarships for local Balinese business people who would not normally be able to attend such an event.