Make a decision - any decision! - Proteus Leadership
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Make a decision – any decision!

This week I have had to deal with a situation outside of the workplace that had blown way out of all proportion, all because the people involved procrastinated for years on making decisions.

The statements– we are just about to do that, or, we will do that when something else happens, or, we can’t do that yet we need to think about it, had become a very comfortable part of their vocabulary and therefore life was and is, lived from one reaction to another. This is all because they had never mastered the art of decision making.

The art of decision-making is paramount if we are to be a success in life. Whether it be in our jobs or in our private lives, we have to make decisions otherwise we just leave our lives in the hands of others and fate.

It is amazing though, how many people struggle with making decisions in their lives, so here are a few tips that might help you to do so:

  • Recognise the privilege you have to be in control of your life. So don’t disrespect that privilege
  • Recognise that it is your fear that is stopping you, so face those fears and experience the benefits of decisions
  • Remember – nothing will ever be perfect, so don’t wait until it is – that is called procrastination
  • Back yourself and your decisions – you have a lifetime of knowledge locked away to draw on – trust your judgment
  • Remember you are not the only one involved here. Your lack of decision making impacts countless others around you, so it is actually a very selfish thing not to make decisions when they are required
  • Just make a decision even if it is wrong. At least you will have taken a step forward and given yourself the opportunity to learn

So, if you are feeling frustrated about your situation at the moment, both personally and professionally, then be honest with yourself and identify the things in your life that need decisions, and make them!

The things that you have wanted for a long time are usually only one decision away!

So, Optimistic Disturbers, to do the job we were put here to do requires an army of decision makers. Sign up now!

Des Penny

The Optimistic Disturber


Proteus Leadership is one of Australia’s premier leadership training and development companies. Proteus Leadership provides leadership courses and management training to a range of industries and assists organisations to build positive workplace cultures, implement change and Create Great Leaders. Proteus also facilitates a range of world-class management courses, workshops, conferences and events across Australia and beyond with the sole purpose of bringing leaders together to connect and grow.

“Our core purpose is to Create Great Leaders that will in turn build Great companies and develop Great teams.”

4 responses to “Make a decision – any decision!”

  1. Princess Tariq says:

    I’ve started to become a fan of you and your post. Had a meeting this morning where I am asked to take a decision and I still couldn’t get myself to. It’s hard, especially when objectives clash with emotions. But after reading your post … you’ve got me thinking again! So, thank you!

  2. Mark says:

    After attending a breakfast seminar last year, upon invite by my department, I am glad I now receive your blog.
    I’ve been an excellent procrastonator but believe my skill as a procrastinator are much worse than they were years ago. Making decisions releases and creates opportunities. Bad decisions we learn from and good decisions are fantastic and really rewarding in so many ways. Sitting and doing (or deciding) to do nothing is such a waste. By making decisions we experience a richer life.
    Another tip, toss a coin. if you don’t like the result then you know what you really want to do.

    • Des Penny says:

      Hi there Mark, thanks for comments, I really appreciate them. I love the Flip the coin strategy, that is so true. And you are spot on, we do experience a much richer life when we learn to make decisions. Thanks for your post.

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