Are You Really Brave Or Just Wish You Were? Proteus Leadership I Leadership I Programs
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Are You Really Brave Or Just Wish You Were?

Hi everyone,

I always thought that I was a fairly brave person, except when it came to snakes, spiders and MRI scans, but I have been challenged more than ever of late to not just talk about being brave, but to actually be brave. There is a huge difference!

So, if you want to step out and be brave, here are the three stages that you will have to go through. There are no short cuts, it is a process!

The Stages of BRAVE

  1. Preparing for BRAVE
    Being brave is not just an impulse reaction, it needs to be planned for and you need to understand why you want to do it? What are your motives? How will it look once you do it? Understanding the WHY is a very important piece of the success jigsaw.
  2. Being BRAVE
    There is nothing like just doing it. The adrenalin, the fear, the excitement are all parts of achieving your goal. But right in the middle of doing it, get ready for a healthy dose of self-doubt. Why did I start this? What the heck am I doing this for? Am I crazy?
    No you are not! It is all a part of the BRAVE process and is a test to determine your commitment to the cause. This is when you need to break through and where your preparation will assist you.
  3. The consequences of BRAVE
    Some people confuse being brave with reacting and then running. We must be prepared to face the consequences of BRAVE, otherwise we do not fully believe in the reasons behind our actions, and we are not committed to our message.

It’s not about just throwing grenades; you must be prepared to back up your message and actions.

When you put yourself out there you will come across all of the life-long bitterness and self-righteousness that people have built up over many years.

Don’t let yourself become a part of it and don’t let them infect you or others around you.

Remember: When you are BRAVE, you disturb others who are not.

So, what have you always wanted to do, but haven’t yet gone past stage one?

We live in a brave new world where being brave needs to be a part of our daily routine.

Why would we walk on a tightrope one metre above the ground when we can walk thirty metres above the ground and soar like an eagle?

But we must remove the safety net and then we will know we are really committed.

So, keep being BRAVE both personally and professionally - it’s worth it!

Have a great week.

Des Penny
Co-CEO & Founder

Proteus Leadership


Senior Graphic Designer, Javier
Gets His Australian Citizenship

We celebrated Javier Marmol’s Citizenship with an impressive spread of classic Aussie treats. Pavs, Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Frog in The Pond, Lamingtons, Tim Tams, Anzac Biscuits and of course Vegemite Scrolls. Congratulations Javier!


Lisa Cutler Conducts
Leading People & Culture Face-To-Face

This week Lisa Cutler worked with the Burson’s team conducting a face-to-face Leading People & Culture program. A great group and a great day.
If you are interested in this program, we have one more virtual public program scheduled this year, starting on the 10th of November. Places are strictly limited and are selling fast. Register now!

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Face-To-Face Programs – Manual Production Team

The team have been busy preparing the manuals and stationery for our upcoming face-to-face In-house program with Bapcor Limited. It’s been a long time since we have had to do this.


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What Some of Our Clients Are Saying About Our Virtual Programs

Leading Innovation & Strategy Multi-session Program

"The virtual format involving 4 x 4 hour sessions over 4 weeks really suited my busy schedule. The interactive workbooks are high quality and also Richard Dore's extremely engaging delivery style. Interacting with like minded people in the 'chat rooms' and sharing experiences was another highlight. I have highly recommended Proteus Leadership within my team and broader organisation."

- Gary Evans - ARTC

Moving From Mate to Manager Virtual Workshop

"Brilliant overview of leadership fundamentals, solid theory and ideas condensed effectively. Workbook allows for deep dive in areas needing more focus outside of the session."

- Amanda Bezer - Saluda Medical

Understanding & Managing Behaviour Virtual Workshop

"Very engaging and interactive (a wonderful outcome for a webinar), loved the spread of participants, I got some great insights in the small group chats, very aligned to real life and actual scenarios."

- Joan Wilson-Jones - QBCC


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Feature Program
Leadership Speak
Virtual Program

Communication And Public Speaking For The Contemporary Leader

Register now before sold out. Time is ticking! ⏰

Australia’s premier communication & public speaking program.

The ability to craft communication and presentations that are compelling has always been a critical skill for leaders to develop.

Whether you need to pitch a persuasive argument to your executive, sell change to your staff or colleagues, inform people to inspire action, present a message from the heart, deliver a workshop, or to represent your company through a keynote – leaders are expected to do these things exceptionally well.

However, in our highly distracted digital world it has become even harder for leaders to cut through all the noise with messages that stick.

Leadership Speak has been designed to assist leaders to become exceptional communicators and presenters who capture people’s minds and hearts within fast-paced workplace settings.

Over 4 x half-days expert Proteus facilitators will deliver 4 virtual sessions that will take leaders through a process require to prepare and deliver powerful and persuasive communication pieces.

The learning outcomes are practical and can be applied immediately back into your workplace, by learning how to:

  • Design presentations that are simple and work
  • Lean into the fear and embrace challenging responses and audiences
  • Enhance public presentation skills
  • Craft a pitch for change that inspires action
  • Be congruent with your body language
  • Develop recovery strategies when things unravel
  • Self-assess on Structure, Style, Substance and the Shift (the S-Factor)

Great leaders are also great communicators.

Register Now

Leadership Speak
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