Culture is everything - Proteus Leadership | Leadership News
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Culture Is Everything

We hear and read so much on how important having a positive workplace culture is for the success of an organisation, well I believe that it is not only important - it is everything!

The problem is, that when you ask people to go a little deeper and explain what that means to them, most people cannot articulate it, or have a very shallow definition of what the culture that they desire actually looks like.

Culture is not like many other topics we see come and go, improving our culture and the behaviours that come from it, and maintaining it and growing it, is a life-long mission.

So, here are some very simple, yet very essential steps to take when creating and building a great workplace culture:

1. Know what you want

Have a clear picture of what it would look like if you actually achieved the desired result. Now the fact is, that the end result may look very different, but we must have something to aim for and then be open to the opportunities that arise on the journey.

Ask your team what they think a great workplace culture would look like to them. You may be surprised at the diversity of responses that you receive.

2. Get everyone on board

Don’t be an island. No one person can change an organisation’s culture, no matter how good or how positive they are. They can certainly have an impact, but unless the majority of people are on the journey, then it will not happen.

Once 80% of the team are on board and actively participating in the change process, then the 20% who are negative or resistant will eventually join the 80% or they will leave. Don’t be concerned about that, there are always some consequences to progress. Work with the people who get what you are trying to achieve, and stop spending all of your time trying to convince the people who have no desire to change personally or be a part of changing the culture in the workplace.

Remember – not everyone has to be on board, but the majority do!

3. Do something

Like author Peter Sheahan said, “action precedes clarity”.

Stop planning and creating copious numbers of frameworks – just do something!

Constant planning and discussions, without actions, is simply called procrastination.

Often the people who are meant to be the culture initiators, become the culture blockers, all in the name of planning.

Don’t be deceived, culture will never change until we take some leaps of faith, even if they are not completely right at the time. Be open to learning from your mistakes also.

But do something!

4. Celebrate

A major part of having a great workplace culture is our ability to celebrate. To dance like no one is watching.

Don’t wait until you achieve your desired result, because if you are open and flexible then the fact is you will never reach it, you will achieve something even better.

Celebrate every individual victory and give credit where credit is due – this will change the minds and hearts of your team far quicker than any strategic plan or complicated framework.

Des Penny – Co-CEO
Proteus Leadership


The Culture Pulse Test - By Richard Dore

The Culture Pulse Test

Read this great article on culture from CO-CEO at Proteus Leadership – Richard Dore.

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Farewell Phoebe

Farewell Phoebe

We are really sad to see Phoebe Wathoel leave Proteus this Friday, but also excited about the fact that she is leaving to have her first child. Farewell Phoebe, we truly will miss you. Make sure you come back.

Bali - New 'Post Early Bird' Pricing

Bali - New Post Early Bird Pricing

Well early bird is now finished for the Leading Innovation & Strategy Bali program, however we have adjusted the ‘post early bird’ price to $1,500. See our website to download a flyer.

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Feature Program
Positive Culture Day - Make a difference to your leadership experience.

Creating a positive workplace culture and dealing with the tough ‘people’ situations at work are two of the toughest assignments we have as leaders. For many years now Proteus has assisted thousands of leaders to do just that.

Through the very popular ‘Creating A Positive Culture’ and ‘Tough Love Leadership’ sessions, many leaders have found answers to the issues that they have to deal with every day.

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What people are saying about Positive Culture Day program:

“Energising, uplifting, thought-provoking and some real 'ah-ha' moments!”
Fiona Allen - Air Tickets

“Excellent interactive sessions with relevant information; encouraging an effective and enjoyable workplace. The course was extremely well presented, by a knowledgeable presenter.”
Wade Irvine - Hobart International Airport

“Exceptional and hilarious training with real-world examples of equipping participants with tools and strategies to foster a positive and accountable culture in their workplace.”
Alyda Domantay - Barwon Child, Youth & Family

“Motivating session that is great to attend with your team to all get on the same page when it comes to your workplace/team culture.”
Elise Adams - The Salvation Army

“Thought-provoking, gave me positive ideas which I look forward to putting into practice!”
Trish Brown - AVEO Group

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