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I have been in business for many years now and I think I have had to tackle almost every obstacle and challenge in the book, but I have to say 2018 almost broke me. It seemed that the more I did for people and the more I gave, the more I was attacked and for a short time I became disillusioned. To be honest, I get why people give up!
Sometimes the stress and the pain seem to outweigh the benefits, but the fact is that we always come out the other side, we just need to decide whether we come out battered or better.
But in these times is where RESILIENCE is formed. Resilience is more than just coping, it is when what you have planted over many years presents itself at just the time it is needed.
No matter what you do, someone will criticize you for it, so do what you believe is the right thing!
Remember, those who cannot do, attack those who can!
So, how much do you believe in who you are and what you do? The less you do, the less you will be attacked, but the more you do, the more you will be attacked. We need to FLIP our thinking and realise, criticism is a privilege because it makes you evaluate the situation and decide if you will react or respond. When we choose to respond, we build resilience.
If you truly want to be that difference, then see toxic criticism for what it really is. I have always believed that if you are not rocking the boat, then you are not making a big enough difference.
Start to build resilience by practicing the art of bouncing back.
Des Penny - CEO
Proteus Leadership
We are thrilled to be able to advise you that we have formed a partnership with Yayasan Kasih Peduli Anak (YKPA) Bali Orphanage – street kids project in Bali and will be giving 10% of all delegate fees from our conference to the orphanage. Proteus will then match that amount. We really are excited about this partnership and look forward to the relationship and the support continuing on well after the conference has finished.
YKPA focuses on keeping young girls and women off the streets, but also has an amazing schooling system that educates street kids who would never have the opportunity to attend school.
I am visiting the orphanage in February to meet with the team and the children. Visit their website and take a look at what they do. Their website is:
Our very popular program for new and developing leaders, Emerging Leaders, is commencing across Australia very soon.
This is a fantastic opportunity to assist your leaders in their growth right at the beginning of their leadership journey. It is also suitable for those leaders who are currently leading but want the skills and the confidence to do it better.
Programs are filling fast, so register yourself or your team now. Click on the link for further information about the program.
It’s always exciting when a new edition of our magazine, Proteuslife, is ready for print.
Editor Des Penny, Designers Joe Stuart and Phoebe Wathoel and Printer Nicholas Raftopoulos make the final corrections before hitting the printing presses.
If you do not yet get this FREE leadership magazine, then register via our website and a copy will be sent to you every three months.
Every week we post inspirational articles, events and information on LinkedIn and we would love you to be a part of that. So, if you would like to follow Proteus Leadership on LinkedIn and keep informed, then click on the button below.
What people are saying about Proteus programs:
“I found the topics in the Emerging Leaders program well rounded and engaging. A lot of the concepts were built upon or linked to other topics which was very helpful in seeing how these concepts could be applied in the workplace.”
Jessica Mander - Partizan Worldwide (Australia)
“All 8 sessions play a critical role in an organisation, it is not just about staff or teams but also leading and managing yourself and most importantly, to communicate and to be sure that the message was received and understood in the correct manner.”
Paul Hippert - Vickery Bros Pty Ltd
“Exceptional information, coupled with select tools that have bolstered my view and changed my attitude surrounding leadership as a core skill.”
Peter Hancock - Icon Core Services