Fighting Fear - Proteus Leadership I Leadership I Programs I Events
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Fighting Fear

You would have to be living under a rock not to have both heard, and be alarmed by, the current Coronavirus outbreak that is impacting individuals, families and businesses across the globe.

There is no doubt that we are in one of the most challenging times that we have had to face but this is where everything we have learned and everything we have spoken about, must now come in to play – It is time to lead.

Some of the social behaviour we have witnessed recently, just over toilet paper rolls, is disturbing and in many people’s eyes ridiculous. But this is what fear does! It releases primal instincts that go into survival mode no matter how real or unreal the situation might be.

So, it is important at this time that we don’t lock down but continue to operate as normal and keep things in perspective. On the other hand, every one of us needs to create a personal and business contingency plan in case things happen that cause us to have to respond.

This is where leadership shines, in times that are difficult because if there is no leadership then, people will revert to those primal instincts and be motivated by Fear.

As I said last week, we are here to promote HOPE and this is a time where what we do, and what we say can make a huge difference.

So, what is your contingency plan? How will you communicate to staff, where you both give them hope, but also face reality?

As this situation develops, we will all be called on to make important decisions. it is imperative that we learn the lessons we need to learn and come out better at the other end.

Be careful how you speak because your words can lead people to Hopelessness rather than Hope if you let them.

So, tell your team today that you have their back.

Help them to be a part of the solution, because when great teams work together, they both produce great results and eliminate Fear.


Des Penny - Co-CEO
Proteus Leadership


International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

The Proteus team would like to publicly celebrate the amazing women we have in our lives and our businesses and thank them for their leadership.

Korrine Jones And The Emerging Leaders Of Brisbane

Emerging leader

The first round of Emerging Leaders Programs are in full swing with Korrine Jones facilitating the Brisbane program.

Due to the popularity of this program we will be holding another round in the middle of the year and a final round towards the end of the year.

Download the Emerging Leaders Flyer to view all program dates.

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Time Management In Sydney

Moving From Busyness To Effectiveness

Richard Dore ran a custom Moving From Busyness To Effectiveness Program with the leadership team at Campbelltown Private Hospital last week.

Proteuslife Magazine 2020 Edition #1 Is Now Available On The App Store

Proteuslife Magazine App

For those of you with a compatible Apple device (iPhone & iPad) we are thrilled to let you know that the latest edition of ProteusLife Magazine is now ready to download.

If you already have the app installed on your device, simply open the app, download the latest edition and enjoy.  If you have an iPhone or iPad and would like to download this free app click on the button below and it will direct you to the App Store. If you are on an Android device, you can view the Magazine online here.

Download App

Grant Davis Helps To Create A Positive Workplace Culture With The City Of West Torrens In SA

Creating a Positive Workplace Culture

We had a cracker program in Adelaide with the fully refreshed Creating a Positive Workplace Culture workshop.  As well as being a fantastic onsite workshop, we are holding a public Creating a Positive Workplace Culture workshop around Australia, kicking off in May.  This is one of our most popular programs and if you have staff that would benefit from some leadership training, this is a fantastic program to register them into.

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Stay Connected In 2020


Feature Program
2-Day Leading Innovation & Strategy Program

Moving Yourself And Your Workplace Towards Exceptional!

“An organisation can only grow to the level its leaders are prepared to grow to.”

Des Penny

Co-CEO, Proteus Leadership

A leader’s level of performance is primarily driven by how prepared they are to grow personally and professionally, and most of this growth comes about as a result of the way they think.

This unique program is designed to provide leaders with the skills and opportunities to develop the way they think, and therefore perform more effectively as a leader.

Leading Innovation & Strategy is about assisting leaders and their teams to think in new ways, to challenge the status quo and to see a bigger and better picture for the future.

Over two-days an expert Proteus facilitator will deliver 8 x 1½ hour sessions exploring a range of topics, all focused on preparing leaders to better lead change, innovation and growth in their workplaces.

These two-days combined with 8 weekly digital challenges makes it one of the most practical and relevant leadership programs in Australia.

The outcomes for leaders are tangible and can be applied back into the workplace immediately. Participants will learn how to:

  • • Generate new ideas and processes for action
  • • Better navigate chaotic and rapid change
  • • Build their leadership credibility
  • • Understand the new and evolving marketplace
  • • Create a culture of innovation
  • • More effectively influence stakeholders
  • • Move from an operational to a strategic mindset
  • • Lead the implementation of transformational change

This program is suited to those leaders who are passionate about improving performance and/or responsible for rolling out change.

The program is not only for individuals, but has also been developed for teams that are working together to drive growth and innovation in their workplace.

This is not just another training program, but is truly a leadership experience that will change the way you think about what you do and how you create your desired future.

Register Now

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