Give Your Idea Wings! - Proteus Leadership I Leadership I Programs I Events
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Give Your Idea Wings!

Last week I spoke about Hunting for Good and in fact we have actually declared this week – Hunting for Good week in our organisation. I hope that you all took time to appreciate some of the positive highlights that have happened during this COVID challenge we are going through.

So, this week I want to focus on making new things happen. I want to challenge every person reading this to stop thinking about what you would like to achieve or change and set about making it happen.

But to do this and to ensure that what we do is sustainable, there are four steps that need to be followed to take an idea to reality:

This is about taking your concept or initiative from idea to reality, albeit the structure and logistics may not yet be developed. Creating it occurs when we stop thinking about it as something that might happen one day, to something we are prepared to step out and make happen. This is not an easy step, but we go nowhere and remain frustrated and negative if we cannot take this first and most important step.

What do you now need to make your idea a reality? Have you really thought this through? It is like baking a cake or cooking a great meal. One of the ways that we can ensure success in our cook is to have all of the ingredients available and on the bench, then it is a matter of just going through the process. So, what will you need on your bench to take this next step? Now there will always be surprises along the way but having the ingredients we need to start the process is the most important part of building your idea.
Develop a clear plan of what you will do and how you will do it, but keep in mind that you don’t know what you don’t know, so be prepared to be flexible and adapt where necessary.

Start the process of growing it. Growing an idea is taking it off the paper and taking the first action steps. The first step will always be the hardest, but it must be taken. What have you got to lose? So, determine your first three action steps and prepare yourself to take them. It might mean seeking investment, it might be commencing the marketing process, or it might be as simple as telling someone about it and hearing yourself say it out loud. Whatever it is, do it so that your idea can grow.

Celebration is not just about the end result. Celebration can and must be about giving yourself credit for every step you take and every new way of thinking that you adopt. Celebration creates the momentum that you need to take what you have done to that next level. Be proud of small achievements and celebrate the process and new learnings as much as the results. But here is the real key to success:


Once you take the four steps then take them all again, because that’s what success looks like. A constant pattern of growth and development.


So, you know that idea you have been thinking about for such a long time – it is time to release it. There is absolutely nothing to lose. If it doesn’t work out, then take what you have learned and do something else. It is all about the habits we form that become a part of our future life decisions.

Let’s hunt for good again this week, but actually make something good happen as well. Release your ideas and give them wings.

Have a great week.


Des Penny - Co-CEO
Proteus Leadership


Our Weekly Shout Out - The Aged Care Sector

This week the Proteus team would like to give a shout out of support and admiration for everyone who is involved and working tirelessly in the Aged Care sector. Thank you for everything you do and especially during this incredibly challenging time. We know how hard you work and what a great job you do in looking after our elderly. So, thank you and know that our thoughts and support are with you at this time.

A Wonderful Demonstration Of Support

This week I saw a beautiful demonstration of support and inclusion when a women’s football team in the QAFL decided to all learn Auslan so that a deaf team-mate could hear the team song for the very first time. So inspiring!

Check The Video

Partnership With Proteus - Let Us Support You In Your Professional Development

Although we provide many public programs, we love it when we can work with an organisation to support them in their professional development strategy, no matter how large or small it might be. Why not contact our team on 1300 219 903 and discuss how Proteus can support you and your team through these challenging times?

Staff Recipe - Leanne’s Flourless Chocolate Cake

Our Proteus chef this week is Leanne Keillor from our finance department. Leanne has been with Proteus for over twenty years with breaks to have two children. She is also a great cook.

Flourless Hazelnut Chocolate Cake


  • • 1/3 cup (35gm) cocoa powder
  • • 1/3 cup (80ml) hot water
  • • 150gm dark chocolate, melted
  • • 150gm butter, melted
  • • 1 1/3 cups (275gm) firmly packed brown sugar
  • • 1 cup (125gm) hazelnut meal
  • • 4 eggs, separated



  1. Preheat oven to moderate. Grease deep 19cm-square cake pan; line base and sides with baking paper.
  2. Blend cocoa with the hot water in large bowl until smooth. Stir in chocolate, butter, sugar, hazelnut meal and egg yolks.
  3. Beat egg whites in small bowl with electric mixer until soft peaks form; fold into chocolate mixture in two batches.
  4. Pour mixture into prepared pan; bake in a moderate oven about 1 hour or until firm. Stand cake 15 minutes; turn onto wire rack, top-side up, to cool.

    Serve with berries and vanilla ice-cream
    Note – Hazelnut meal can also be replaced with Almond meal which is sometimes easier to find.

Stay Connected In 2020


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Upcoming Virtual Programs



Presenting With Confidence (3-hour Workshop) - 15th September

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Having Conversations That Matter (3-hour Workshop) - 1st October

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Making Decisions That Matter (3-hour Workshop) - 8th October

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Creating A Positive Culture (3-hour Workshop) - 11th November

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The Oceans Of Change (3-hour Workshop) - 19th November

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Visit our website to see our full schedule: Virtual Programs

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