Make Freedom A Positive Thing - Proteus Leadership I Leadership I Programs I Events
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Make Freedom A Positive Thing

Hi everyone,

Although we are a long way from being back to how things were, the sense of freedom that people are feeling as a result of lockdown ending cannot be hidden. You can see a bounce in people’s steps and a smile on their faces as they get a sense that we are coming out of two of the darkest years in our history. But unfortunately, along with this sense of joy also comes the glass half empty people and those who promote ideas and concepts out of total self-interest. One of those being The Great Resignation that apparently is happening all around us and psychologically sucking people in.

Sure, people are changing jobs and some now want to work differently, but people resigning and changing direction has been with us for years and will continue to be. The figures do not show any real increase, they are referencing American data that has very little relevance to us.

Change happens and will continue to happen, so don’t be caught up in some of these latest myths and fantasies. Make your own decisions about what you will do and what is right for you. The facts just do not line up with the spin.

So, let’s be grateful for the returned freedoms we are experiencing, for the jobs that we have, and the people who are around us. Don’t get sucked into believing things that are simply not true, because they will take your focus away from planning for what is possible.

We have had enough doom and gloom – let’s focus on what is good and what we can achieve moving forward.

2022 is going to be an amazing year, if we want it to be!

Des Penny

Proteus Leadership


New Office In Noosa Heads

Exciting news. This week we opened another Proteus office in Noosa Heads in QLD to service FNQ and to assist us with our growth strategy. Currently we have two people working there and are developing a team.

Our address is: Po Box 231 Noosa Heads, QLD 4567


Frenzy 18th November

Well, our Frenzy-day is almost here. Please put the date in your diary to register yourself and your team into some of the best Professional Development programs in Australia. Frenzy prices will apply to all 2022 programs.

Click on the button below to download the 2022 Professional Development Frenzy Schedule and see what programs are available.



Proteus Offices Close For Wellness Day

After an exhausting year the whole Proteus team were given a Wellness Day off so that they could pamper themselves. All sorts of things took place from The Melbourne Cup, to moving house, to a Doona Day.

Thank you to our amazing team for what they do.


Welcoming Two New Team Members

We are thrilled to be able to welcome two new Educators to our Proteus family, Jennifer Bierge and Damian Zammit. Both Jen and Damian are based in our Brisbane office, and we are looking forward to having them on the Education Team. Welcome aboard.


Follow Us On LinkedIn

Every week we post inspirational articles, events and information on LinkedIn and we would love you to be a part of that. So, if you would like to follow Proteus Leadership on LinkedIn and keep informed, then click on the button below.

You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and/or Youtube.

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Feature Program
Two EXTRA Programs Before Christmas – Register Now!

9th December
Moving From Busyness To Effectiveness

Virtual Workshop

This program will help busy leaders and teams to focus on their priorities and establish strategies to bring about sustainable behavioural change and transformational positive habits.

This is not just another time management program. This workshop helps participants to change the way they think, lead themselves and lead others.

This session will also equip participants with insights, tools and templates to move themselves and their teams from busyness to effectiveness.

Topics Include:

  • Quit Busyness and Get Focussed
  • Manage Your Energy – Not Your Time
  • Energy Effectiveness is Your X-Factor
  • The Critical Three – KRAs, Frogs and Your ABCs
  • Transforming Distractions and Digital Addictions
  • Creating Keystone Habits
  • The Proteus E–Factor


Register Now


10th December
Creating A Positive Culture

Virtual Workshop

Creating Positive Cultures is about giving people the skills and permission to destroy dysfunction, kill off negative influences and the space for all your positive people to shine and thrive.

Culture is all about your behaviours, it is what to do. So great leaders and workplaces don’t allow their culture to happen by default, they design it together by agreeing to operate above the line in a positive, professional and proactive way.

This allows for a psychological safe space to innovate, stay relevant, to fight clean to develop resilience, gratitude and a growth mindset, while giving staff permission to call people out on any toxic behaviours.

This results in a self-regulating culture where people celebrate achievements while creating great relationships, products and services.

  • Creating, leading and modelling great cultures
  • Staying positive and understanding the importance of recognition
  • Moving from entitlement to responsibility
  • Dealing with miserable people and ‘fighting clean’
  • Leading a robust, no-whinge and solution-focused culture
  • Helping your positive people to shine


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