Shake Things Up And Lead The Change! - Proteus Leadership
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Des Bit

Shake Things Up And Lead The Change!

People are always complaining about change and the speed of change and change for the sake of change etc.

What if we began to see change as an opportunity to grow?

What if we spent our time being a part of the change rather than worrying about the change?

What if we decided to actually take control of change and become the change we wish to see?

I could go on, but I am sure you get the message!

What an exciting thing it is when we take responsibility for our own change and grow as a result. Now I know that not everything is in our control, but the way we respond and react to it, is.

I am convinced, having been in industry now for over 40 years, that many people love the chaos of change because not to have something to complain about would mean that they themselves would have to change.

Change is awesome and leading your own change is even more awesome.

So, where do you sit in this space?

I am constantly inspired by so many of the people I meet in my life and the businesses I work with, but I am equally frustrated by those people who become anchors in organisations in the name of self-preservation.

If you want change to become a part of the DNA in your life and workplace, then start to shake things up. Start being BRAVE and trusting your gut, because there are some people you work with who will never change, they were born to hold you back.

The great thing is that YOU are the author of your life, so shake things up and enjoy the joy of change – because it will happen with or without you.

 I look forward to hearing the stories of what you have shaken up.

Des Penny

Proteus Visits Japan

Proteus Visits Japan

Over the past 3 weeks I had the great privilege of travelling around Japan both for personal and business reasons. I was blown away again by the incredible humility and service that the Japanese people provided and I came back with a new appreciation of what service could and should be in my own country.

Thank you Japan you taught me a lot!

PS. The food was pretty awesome also!

Positive Culture Day in VIC - A Sell Out!

Positive Culture Day VIC Sold Out

Creating a positive workplace culture is still one of the main objectives of leaders across the globe. So much so, that our Positive Culture Day in Victoria on 31st July 2018 is totally sold out with over 100 people attending, so a second program has now been scheduled.

Program 2 is scheduled for 23rd October 2018. Register your teams now!

What People Are Saying

What People Are Saying

“The program was just the right length, with plenty of hints and tips and thought-provoking ideas, along with some great 'stories' to take back to work and get started on some new initiatives.”
Lee Jones, Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator - Shake It Up

“A chance to take a step back from the day and take a look at what you are doing within your business, and consider whether it is really working for you.”
Danielle Carr, Alinta Servco - Shake It Up

“The program was very useful and positive for leaders. Very inspiring and I took away a few strategies to set in my workplace. Just love attending as it inspires me and I feel very revved up and positive when I leave. Presenters were energising and adapted to the group and technology.”
Michelle Davey, Department of Health and Human Services - Shake It Up

“Awareness of the modern world and this is constantly evolving, we need to evolve to the changing needs in order to stay relevant. Sometimes keeping it simple is the best and always be adapting to the changing environment NOW not later.”
Sandra Figueroa, Eastern Health - Shake It Up

Feature Program
Shake It Up - Are you prepared to get rid of the systems that are not working and shake them up?

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. We know that this is right so, why do we continue to do it?

For leaders to be able to lead in this new landscape and for organisations to build sustainable futures, we must Shake It Up!

It is time to stop following the crowd or trying to adopt the latest fad or myth and find alternatives that are better and different; alternatives that meet the needs of your team and your clients.

Yes, it will take a shake up and we will have to be proactive, but that is what contemporary leadership is all about. So, are you prepared to buck the systems that are not working and shake them up?

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