So, what did this year teach you? - Proteus Leadership I Leadership I Programs I Events
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So, what did this year teach you?

Hi everyone,

I am sure that everyone of us has been challenged and tested and put through the wringer this year so, what did we learn? Did we learn to be more patient, or perhaps more organised or did we learn that we don’t like cabbage, or that we never want to home school our children again?

Whatever we learnt, did it add to our lives, or take away.

Life-long learning is what helps us to grow and what keeps us relevant. I am not talking necessarily about formal training, but rather the lessons of life that we learn every day that help us survive and flourish.

When we learn, we tend to make changes based on those learnings and very soon those changes determine who we become. So, are we learning the right things and becoming better, or are we taking on things that either maintain the status quo, or even worse, leave us behind? Only you can determine that.

There seems to be almost two camps when it comes to demonstrating what we have learnt.

The camp that looks for the worst and has a justification or blame for everything that happens to them. Then there is the other camp that have been through exactly the same experiences as the first but understand that HOPE is always there and that things will get better. The difference between the two camps is that the first group believe it is everyone else’s responsibility to make things better, while the second group understand the need to take control of their situation and do everything they can to work towards a solution.

Which camp have you landed in?

So, my challenge to you this week is to identify one thing in your life that you are not happy about and take back the controls. Not in an aggressive way, but rather in a way that turns the situation from Hopelessness to HOPE.

Take back the control of the behaviours you need to change and in your own time and in your own way, reinvent them.

It’s amazing how our vision changes when we do this very simple thing. Our learnings then have a completely different look and meaning.

Have an awesome week full of HOPE.

Des Penny

Proteus Leadership


Rob Hartnett - First Public
Creating A Culture Of Selling Virtual Workshop

Rob Hartnett ran our first public Creating A Culture of Selling Workshop this week to a ‘sold out’ program. An amazing program that will feature in our 2022 schedule.


Congratulations To Jane Penny!

Jane Penny celebrates her birthday and 18 years at Proteus this week with flowers. Congratulations again Jane.


Richard Dore Conducted
Building A Psychologically Safe Workplace Webinar

Co-CEO Richard Dore conducted a webinar on Building A Psychologically Safe Workplace in the workplace this week. Over 143 people attended this thought provoking and extremely relevant webinar.


All Care Australia Completed
Their Leadership Program

All Care Australia completed their leadership program for the year with Korrine Jones. A fantastic group of leaders who were an absolute privilege to work with.


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Feature Program
The Complete Leader – Virtual Program

A Multi-dimensional Approach To Leadership
12 - 18 Months

The Proteus Complete Leader Program combines three powerful Virtual Leadership Programs, with personal coaching, virtual sessions and weekly digital challenges, making it one of Australia’s premier leadership programs.

With the ability to design your own timetable over a twelve-eighteen month period, the flexibility of the program is exactly what contemporary global leaders have been asking for.

Being able to effectively manage people and processes, while being switched on to innovation and the changing global landscape, are essential skills required of today’s leaders and leaders of the future.

The most important thing to ask when selecting your personal leadership development is – “will I be able to use the skills in all areas of my life”?

The Complete Leader Virtual Program will equip you to utilise the learned skills in both your personal and professional life, ensuring that you have the right strategy for every occasion.

The Complete Leader Participants Will Gain Access To:

  • Virtual Sessions: 3 programs of your choice (4 x Sessions per program)
  • Digital Challenges: 8 weekly digital challenges for each program (24 Challenges)
  • Personal Coaching: Your own coach to guide you through your program
  • Program Resources: Comprehensive notes & interactive course manuals


Register Now

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