Think, Speak, Act, Become Proteus Leadership I Leadership I Programs
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Think, Speak, Act, Become

Hi everyone,

Some time ago, I had to challenge myself on how I was thinking about certain things and certain people and came up with this simple Think, Speak, Act, Become, model to help me change my thinking. I hope it helps you as much as it did me.


What would happen if we simply decided to FLIP our thinking? Because we actually have the ability to do so at any time.

What if you started to see the good in people and situations rather than immediately going to the negative.

What if you worked on a solution rather than always focusing on the problem.

The way we think about something, or someone will determine how we approach life and the next three stages of the model. We can FLIP our thinking at any time.


We become what we continually say. So, we need to change the way we speak about ourselves and others.

Start checking the words that come out of your mouth. Be proud of them.

Once it is said, the damage is done, so think first, then FLIP your words to be encouraging rather than destructive.

Start speaking about your ideas positively, because words are powerful and have a way of becoming self-fulfilling prophecy.


Once we have a picture and have communicated this to others, then it is time to act upon it.

Be brave – go do it, because if you are prepared to FLIP your thinking and change the way you speak, then the next step requires action.

This is the step that takes us into that wonderful ‘unknown’ world, where growth takes place. Once you go there you can never go back – how exciting!


Like creating any new habit, we have to continually do something until it becomes a part of our DNA and we actually BECOME what we are prepared to THINK, SPEAK and ACT.

It may at first feel uncomfortable or unnatural becoming something before it’s complete or perfect.

But, if we adopt this simple Model, we understand that we will never be perfect and therefore becoming something is just acting as if the picture has already been realised.

The great author Gary Hamel says this:

“The future’s going to get invented with you or without you. But if you want to build the new, you must first dismantle your existing belief system and burn for scrap anything that is not endlessly and universally true.”

- Gary Hamel – Leading the Revolution

Have a wonderful thought changing week!

Des Penny
Co-CEO & Founder

Proteus Leadership


LGBTI+ Community – National Pride Month

Along with other corporations right across the world Proteus Leadership celebrates diversity and acceptance and works with the LGBTI+ community to gain total equality and acceptance.


Grant Davis Delivering To Gallagher Bassett

Grant Davis worked the night shift last week to deliver Leadership Foundations USA 2023 Workshop Series to the Gallagher Bassett team. It's truly amazing to be delivering life-changing education across the globe. Such a privilege!


The Popularity Of The Moving From Mate To Manager Workshop Continues To Grow

Last week Sarah Savvas, Regional Leader for NSW/ACT, conducted the face-to-face workshop with the Southern Beaches Council team, while Lisa Cutler (Regional Leader VIC) facilitated the same workshop for the VET Development Centre in Victoria.

Click on the link below to view the next available program. Don't miss out!

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Proteuslife Magazine

Have you checked out the latest edition of our Free FREE Proteuslife magazine yet? This is another great service and resource to come out of Proteus, and our clients love it.


"I liked the circus article very much when I read it online earlier this month. Most insightful! I always read Des’s column. He’s a very transparent leader and his insights are so worthwhile."


Sign up now for this FREE quarterly magazine.

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Book Reviews By Richard Dore

Have you ever wondered whether a book is worth reading or not, then visit our website and check out Richard Dore’s book reviews? They will help you decide the best and current offerings to enhance your leadership development.



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Creating A Positive Culture
Virtual Workshop


28 June - SOLD OUT!
Next program: 26 July. Don't miss out!


Creating Positive Cultures is about giving people the skills and permission to destroy dysfunction, kill off negative influences and the space for all your positive people to shine and thrive.

Culture is all about your behaviours, it is what to do. So great leaders and workplaces don’t allow their culture to happen by default, they design it together by agreeing to operate above the line in a positive, professional and proactive way.

This allows for a psychological safe space to innovate, stay relevant, to fight clean to develop resilience, gratitude and a growth mindset, while giving staff permission to call people out on any toxic behaviours.

This results in a self-regulating culture where people celebrate achievements while creating great relationships, products and services.

  • Creating, leading and modelling great cultures
  • Staying positive and understanding the importance of recognition
  • Moving from entitlement to responsibility
  • Dealing with miserable people and ‘fighting clean’
  • Leading a robust, no-whinge and solution-focused culture
  • Helping your positive people to shine


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