What Is The NEW Norm? - Proteus Leadership I Leadership I Programs I Events
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What Is The NEW Norm?

I am getting a little tired of hearing about the new norm as if it is something that has already been established and we will just step into it and accept it like robots.

I have even used the term myself but am realising more and more than the new norm will not be so normal.

If we need to use the word ‘norm’, then for me there are three norms. The norm before COVID-19, the norm during the pandemic and the yet unknown norm post COVID-19.

The problem that I have is that because everyone was forced to close down overnight and retreat to their homes, somehow people and businesses have just assumed that this is going to be the new norm. No, it’s not!

Business and life are far more complex than that and have many stakeholder’s needs that they have to meet.

Sure, we know what we did and how we operated for so many years - some of that was great but some of the things we did need to be adjusted and some need to be gone forever.
But you do not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

How we are operating now in this pandemic might suit a lot of people, but it is not how business can or will operate moving forward, so don’t get too comfortable or get used to it.

The NEW norm, for want of a better word, will be what we make it. And the new norm will not be normal. It will be individual and tailored and flexible taking into account the needs of the business, the needs of our clients and the needs of the team. All three of those needs must be met for us to create a successful new norm.

Some organisations might decide, with some minor changes, to go back to what they were doing, because it worked and that is OK.

Some may decide to completely change their model, never return to the workplace or the old way of operating that they knew just months ago.

Others may choose to take the opportunity to change the things that were not working and introduce new ideas that will, both from the past and the now.

My point is, that whatever the new norm is for your business will be the new norm you make happen and not a carbon copy of everyone else’ decisions.

The thinking and the planning for what you will look like must be happening now and whatever you decide will have to evolve and change over a period of several years. But we need to take control of that now.

As a result of this, I predict that we will see a great deal of staff movement take place when things settle down. People will not only be looking for the best role they will also be looking for the best fit and that may not be able to be met where they are. There will also be some roles that cannot be as flexible as others.

But whatever happens, all parties are going to need to be flexible and communication and transparency in workplaces will need to increase by ten-fold.

So, have you asked yourself what your new norm will look like, or are you waiting for everything to sort itself out, because it won’t?

Take control of your situation now. Plan and communicate, even if you have to continually make adjustments, because what your new norm will look like is completely up to you.

Des Penny - Co-CEO
Proteus Leadership


One Day Only FRENZY 24th June 2020

As part of our new launch and our desire to help individuals and businesses get back into developing themselves and their leaders, Proteus has decided to hold a one-day FRENZY on Thursday 24th June to release all of our products and services to clients to help get them back on track.

This is an opportunity not to be missed and is strictly one day only.

FREE Webinar - Thursday 11th June
Last Minute Registrations

We would like to invite you to participate in our second FREE Webinar to see what Proteus is doing during these difficult times and how we can assist our clients and leaders across the country to be better and different.

Register here for the webinar.

Register Now

What Clients are saying about Proteus Virtual

Take a look below at what our clients thought of the new Virtual Programs.

"An excellent introductory seminar into coaching; the rational, theory and practice. It was just a good refresher that I am still confident despite the current COVID situation in delivering a coaching based style in my role and be mindful not to slip to heavily into psychotherapeutic styles.
Given it was all online managed extremely well, I was curious to test it with people outside my own organisation though. I feel it pulls people out of their comfort zone more.
The growth mindset and research behind it as an additional rational to people resistant to goal setting."

- Joseph Bentley-Ross - Cohealth Ltd
Coaching With Confidence Virtual Workshop


"Spot on – super helpful & informative.
Know your yourself, understand your team and how to work together to be the best team you can be. Ensure I take time to slow down and really understand others issues and what I can do better to assist them.

Building better teams and stronger workplace relationships - because as a leader you are there to work and lead your team appropriately and these topic gives you better skills and understanding as to how you can implement strategies to learn how staff perceive things and think and in turn how they react to what tasks they are given."

- Peter Holla - MAS National
Understanding And Managing Behaviour Virtual Workshop


"Excellent! Practical skills that can be used in any presentation scenario.
The whole presentation was interesting. Richard was really engaging and it's clear he knows what he is talking about."

- Taryn Pontifex - QBank
Presenting With Confidence Virtual Workshop

Staff Recipe - Leanne Keillor

Staff Recipe

Our Proteus chef this week is Leanne Keillor from our finance department. Leanne has been with Proteus for over twenty years with breaks to have two children. She is also a great cook.

Vegetable Slice


  • • 2 x large zucchini’s (grated)
  • • 2 x carrots (grated)
  • • 1 x onion (diced or grated)
  • • 4 x rashers short cut bacon (diced)
  • • 1 cup grated cheese
  • • ¼ cup corn kernels
  • • ½ cup oil
  • • 1 ¼ cups S.R. Flour
  • • 5 eggs (lightly whisk)
  • • Salt & pepper


  1. Grate the zucchini and carrot into a large mixing bowl.
  2. Add the finely chopped onion and bacon to the bowl, mix.
  3. Lightly beat the eggs and add to the mixture along with the remaining ingredients. Mix well.
  4. Pour into a greased/lined dish (lasagne sized dish) and bake at 180 degrees for approximately 40 minutes or until golden brown on top.

Stay Connected In 2020


Feature Program
Upcoming Virtual Programs


HR Essentials For Leaders (Multi-session program) - Commences 15th June

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Understanding & Managing Behaviour (3-hour Workshop) - 2nd July

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Leading People & Culture (Multi-session program) - Commencing 9th July

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Presenting With Confidence (3-hour Workshop) - 15th July

Register Now

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