Introducing Proteus Leadership Journeys - Proteus Leadership
1300 219 903
Des Bit

Introducing Proteus Leadership Journeys

For many years I have had the dream to take our Leadership programs around the world. As a result I established a new arm of our business called – Proteus Leadership Journeys.

I am thrilled to announce that our first Leadership Journey will take place on 14th & 15th August 2019, in Seminyak Bali and registrations are now open.

I have been visiting Bali on holidays for some years now and have grown to love the place and its people. Their gentle nature and their servant hearts have taught me things that I could never have learnt in my own environment.

Currently, the Indonesian Islands are going through a devastating time with earthquakes and tsunamis. Many hundreds have been killed and thousands have been left homeless. I have many friends in Bali and recently one of my friends lost his uncle and cousin in an earthquake and his mother and family have been left with nothing but a plastic cover to shield them. It was an honour to be able to help fund them in purchasing what they needed to survive and to experience their tears of appreciation was something I will never forget.

Having experienced this I began to look at ways that Proteus as an organisation could combine what we do, while assisting those in need and so Leadership Journeys was launched.

In Bali we will be conducting an exciting conference event looking at Leading Innovation and Strategy. The program has been developed to allow people to have great leadership development while combining their time with a great holiday.

Proteus will be giving a percentage of the program investment to an orphanage that specialises in assisting young women and girls who are homeless and on the streets. Proteus will then double that amount.

We will also be offering two full scholarships to the conference for local business owners who would never be able to attend such an event. We are so excited about this and would love you to support the project while experiencing some amazing personal development.

So often when running our programs, I hear people say that they wish that their partner or friend could have experienced an inspirational Proteus program – well in Bali they can!

This 2-day conference is for anyone who has a passion for great leadership.

So, bring your work colleagues, your partner, family member or friend and make the most of this great opportunity to develop personally and professionally, while at the same time, enjoying a great holiday.

Des Penny - CEO
Proteus Leadership

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Leadership Ready

Leadership Ready

This truly is one of Australia’s most powerful and flexible professional development programs. Incorporating face-to-face learning with, digital learning, attendance at events and personal one-on-one coaching, it truly is an inspirational and dynamic program. You choose the topics you cover and the time you take to complete the program -all of this is your choice! Call one of our team on 1300 219 903 to discuss this amazing program or register online. You can start the program whenever you desire.

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2019 Leadership Programs – Schedule

2019 Program Schedules

With only about eight weeks until Christmas, now is the time to start preparing and organising your leadership training for 2019. Our 2019 program schedules and flyers are now on our website and we would be more than happy to discuss your training needs with you.

Click on the relevant link below to download your program schedule.

South Australia
New South Wales
Western Australia

New Magazine Edition - Subscribe to Receive

New Magazine Edition

The final edition of Proteuslife is almost ready for print and distribution. If you have not signed up for this amazing FREE leadership magazine, then do so now and receive the next edition on your desk.

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Shake It Up Conference – November 2018

Shake It Up

Every year, Des Penny and Richard Dore take four relevant workplace topics and shake them up. This year is no different. Sometimes we just get too close to who we are and what we do and fail to see the rut that we have slipped into. The purpose of this conference is to challenge how we think about the things we do and say and SHAKE them up. Register your team now before they sell out.

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Feature Program
Shake It Up - It's time to find alternative strategies and shake it up!

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. We know that this is right so, why do we continue to do it?

For leaders to be able to lead in this new landscape and for organisations to build sustainable futures, we must Shake It Up!

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What people are saying about Proteus Programs:

“The progam was just the right length, with plenty of hints and tips and thought provoking ideas, along with some great 'stories' to take back to work and get started on some new initiatives.”
Lee Jones, Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator

“A chance to take a step back from the day and take a look at what you are doing within your business, and consider whether it is really working for you.”
Danielle Carr, Alinta Servco

“The program was very useful and positive for leaders. Very inspiring and I took away a few strategies to set in my workplace. Just love attending as it inspires me and I feel very revved up and positive when I leave. Presenters were energising and adapted to the group and technology.”
Michelle Davey, Department of Health and Human Services.

“Awareness of the modern world and this is constantly evolving, we need to evolve to the changing needs in order to stay relevant. Sometimes keeping it simple is the best and always be adapting to the changing environment NOW not later.”
Sandra Figueroa, Eastern Health

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