Just Make A Decision! - Proteus Leadership I Leadership I Programs I Events
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Just Make A Decision!

Hi everyone,

There are not many things that really frustrate me, but a lack of decision-making is one that does, because as we know, not making a decision is actually making one – and not to do anything is a decision in itself.

The problem is that if you are a leader and you suffer from not being able to make decisions then you will have an impact on so many people, in such a negative way.

If you were to ask people why they left their job, a high percentage of them would tell you that they left because their manager/organisation could not make the decisions required for them to do their job and to move forward.

I am very aware that often we will need to seek counsel, or work with a team, to get a result and make the required decision, but our team want to take direction from their leader. If you are indecisive, then respect and cooperation will be lost very quickly.

So how do we deal with indecision?

  • Learn to trust your Gut – it is usually looking after you
  • If something doesn’t work, then learn from it and try something new – it’s that simple
  • You will never get everyone to agree, so consider the information you have and make a decision based on that
  • Understand that we never grow unless we are taking risks and trying new things
  • Don’t let bureaucracy get in the way of growth and progress – it is just an excuse for non-action
  • When you find yourself blaming everyone and everything else, then it is time to make a decision - or get out of the way!
  • Stop planning and creating an over-abundance of frameworks. You know what should be done – make the decision and start the process!
  • Understand that indecision creates a dangerous type of stress in our lives
  • Above all, celebrate your decisions and the changes you have made, even if they didn’t work out perfectly. Your job was to make the decision.

One of the greatest personal frustrations that we will experience is the frustration of indecision – So, take control of the life that you have been entrusted to guide and direct and ensure that it continues to grow.

The ability to be comfortable with decision making doesn’t happen overnight, it happens one decision after another, until the processes and skills become the norm.

Remember: your indecision is someone else’s frustration, but your decisions will bring about growth.

My challenge this week is to think about one decision that you have been procrastinating on and make the decision you need to make. It will be like a weight has lifted from your shoulders.

Have a great week.

Des Penny
Co-CEO & Founder

Proteus Leadership


Congratulations Grant Davis

On behalf of the Proteus team, we would like to thank and congratulate Grant Davis, Executive member and Central/West Regional leader at Proteus for his continued service with the South Australian Fire Service.

This week Grant was presented with two service medals:

The first was, The National Emergency Services Medal for service during the 2019/20 Black Summer Fires.

The second was the National Medal for service in excess of 15 years with the Fire Service.

Congratulations Grant for your service and for your commitment to keeping South Australians safe.

The Proteus team is very proud.


What Have Our Educators Been Doing
In The Last Week

Here are just some of the programs that our team have been involved in this week.

Building A Psychologically Safe Workplace Keynote

Richard Dore presented his very topical and important Keynote this week to over 70 delegates from Mornington Peninsula Shire. They were a highly engaged and proactive group of leaders.


Lisa Cutler conducted session 1 of the Emerging Leaders Multi-session program



Brett Hutchinson conducting another virtual Moving From Busyness To Effectiveness Workshop.



International Training
Grant Davis and Brett Hutchinson had a night session for delegates in Great Britain and then backed it up with an early morning session for delegates in New Zealand. Well done guys – get some sleep!



Korrine Jones conducting Leading People & Culture Multi-session program, face-to-face in Brisbane.


Get Involved In Professional Development

Professional Development will never not be relevant, or needed, if we are to create great Leaders. Whether it be to retain and move up in your current job, or to develop yourself for something bigger in the future, we must embrace life-long learning. Please visit our website and discover how you can continue to grow in your time and your space.

Professional Development Schedule


Follow Us On LinkedIn

Every week we post inspirational articles, events and information on LinkedIn and we would love you to be a part of that. So, if you would like to follow Proteus Leadership on LinkedIn and keep informed, then click on the button below.

You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram,  Youtube and/or TikTok.

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Presenting With Confidence
Virtual Workshop
13 September - SOLD OUT!
Next program: 12 October. Don't miss out!


Creating Positive Cultures is about giving people the skills and permission to destroy dysfunction, kill off negative influences and the space for all your positive people to shine and thrive.

Culture is all about your behaviours, it is what to do. So great leaders and workplaces don’t allow their culture to happen by default, they design it together by agreeing to operate above the line in a positive, professional and proactive way.

This allows for a psychological safe space to innovate, stay relevant, to fight clean to develop resilience, gratitude and a growth mindset, while giving staff permission to call people out on any toxic behaviours.

This results in a self-regulating culture where people celebrate achievements while creating great relationships, products and services.

  • Creating, leading and modelling great cultures
  • Staying positive and understanding the importance of recognition
  • Moving from entitlement to responsibility
  • Dealing with miserable people and ‘fighting clean’
  • Leading a robust, no-whinge and solution-focused culture
  • Helping your positive people to shine


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