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Leadership Is All About Support

Being a resident of the Melbourne CBD and running a business, meant that Sunday’s Roadmap came as a terrible slap in the face to not only our social and business lives but also to our mental health.

Never did I think that I would live in a city that was in lockdown and had curfews. Never did I think that I would only be able to visit my children and grandchildren once in a six-month period, but that is exactly how it is, so, I guess we must again adapt, move forward and do the right thing to rid our state of this horrible virus.

But my heart goes out to all of those people who have tried to hang on but will now decide to give up on their dreams. Let’s not ignore them and think that not to talk about them will change their situations, because it won’t. Their pain is real, and people need great support in Victoria right now.

So, my challenge this week is to contact someone in an affected area, especially Victoria and support them by just asking how they are and then by truly listening.

We will get through this, but we must play our part in ensuring that there is as little damage to people’s lives as possible.

They tell us that we are all in this together – let’s prove it by our actions this week.

Remember: Thursday the 10th of September is R U OK day.

Have a great supportive week.


Des Penny - Co-CEO
Proteus Leadership


Shout Out To All Of Our Fantastic Teachers

Every week we are giving a shout out to groups of people who have had to Pivot quickly and work under challenging circumstances. This week we would like to thank all of the teachers who are having to cope with Virtual Learning for their students. It is not easy, but it is such an important role. So, to everyone involved in Education at the moment, thank you for what you are doing. What you do is vital for the future of our kids.

Free Webinar - Emerging Leaders Program

Join Nathan Browne on Thursday 17th September at 2:30pm (AEST - VIC Time), for a FREE webinar on our popular Emerging Leaders Program. We all know how important it is to continue to grow Great Leaders across Australia, so if you are looking to move into leadership, or you are in a leadership role and want to enhance your skills, or you are an HR or L&D professional looking for a program for your Emerging Leaders, then we invite you to join us at this 30 minute FREE webinar to learn about the program.

Register Now

Qudos Bank Coaching Complete

Richard Dore had the privilege recently of conducting Learning & Development partnership project with Qudos Bank.  This involved 4 x ½-day virtual workshops to complete the Proteus Leading Innovation & Strategy Program, along with personalised one-on-one coaching sessions for all 12 of their leaders.

This was driven internally by Mariko Manning, their Learning Experience Lead.  So a big thank you to Mariko for driving this initiative with such enthusiasm and purpose to help the Qudos Bank leaders become more innovative, relevant and strategic in these turbulent time.

Bill Gates Celebrates Warren Buffets 90th Birthday Video In Style

Watch The Video

Quote Of The Week


“Start now. Optimize later. An imperfect start can always be improved but obsessing over a perfect plan will never take you anywhere on its own.”
- James Clear


Stay Connected In 2020


Feature Program
Upcoming Virtual Programs



Having Conversations That Matter (3-hour Workshop) - 1st October

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Making Decisions That Matter (3-hour Workshop) - 8th October

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Creating A Positive Culture (3-hour Workshop) - 11th November

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The Oceans Of Change (3-hour Workshop) - 19th November

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Presenting With Confidence (3-hour Workshop) - 30th November

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Visit our website to see our full schedule: Virtual Programs