Love Who You Are - Proteus Leadership I Leadership I Programs I Events
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Des Bit

Love Who You Are

You know that when you were born, they broke the mold. Some would say that this a good thing, but seriously, you are one of a kind. You have skills, characteristics, and gifts that no other person on this earth has. We are much like snowflakes, no two flakes are the same.

So why not let people see who you are?

I sometimes look at other people and wish that I had the abilities that they have, but I don't. I was born with other abilities and until I start to see those as being positive and incredibly worthwhile in the big picture then I will never be able to move towards being the person I am meant to be.

It's a bit like a jigsaw. Unless every piece is in the right place then although we get a glimpse of the finished product, we do not see the beauty of the final result.

Be passionate about you. This is where it starts. Love who you are, recognising that you will never be a perfect or finished product. You will always be called upon to make change. Be passionate about who you are right now and if you find that hard, then be passionate about the changes that are in your control to make.

Have a great week.


Des Penny

Proteus Leadership


‘Moving From Busyness to Effectiveness’
Virtual Workshop - Extra Program!

Due to the popularity of our Moving From Busyness To Effectiveness  virtual workshop, which was only launched 2 weeks ago, it is almost ‘SOLD OUT’. The good news is that we have scheduled a further program on 25th November 2021 and registrations are being taken now.

Don’t miss out. Register yourself and/or your team now.



Korrine Jones Back With Face-To-Face Training

After lockdowns and program reshuffling Korrine Jones is thrilled to be back face to face with the Moore Australia team for their Emerging Leaders program.


Expanding Our Virtual Platform Offerings
For In-House Programs

Although our preferred Virtual platform is ZOOM, we are now offering to run our Virtual Programs and workshops on TEAMS and WEBEX for those who cannot use Zoom in their businesses. However, all of our publicly scheduled programs will remain on Zoom at this stage.

Remember: you don’t have to sign up to Zoom to use it. Speak to one of our team for more information on 1300 219 903.


Get Your FREE Proteuslife Magazine

If you haven’t downloaded your copy of the Proteuslife magazine yet, then do so now. The magazine is full of key tips and initiatives for leaders at all levels.



Follow Us On Social Media

If you would like to know what’s happening at Proteus and join the Proteus family, then don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and/or Youtube.

Feature Program
Creating A Positive Culture
Virtual Workshop

Creating and leading a no-whinge, solution-focused workplace.

Next program: 16th September


Creating Positive Cultures is about giving people the skills and permission to destroy dysfunction, kill off negative influences and the space for all your positive people to shine and thrive.

Culture is all about your behaviours, it is what to do. So great leaders and workplaces don’t allow their culture to happen by default, they design it together by agreeing to operate above the line in a positive, professional and proactive way.

This allows for a psychological safe space to innovate, stay relevant, to fight clean to develop resilience, gratitude and a growth mindset, while giving staff permission to call people out on any toxic behaviours.

This results in a self-regulating culture where people celebrate achievements while creating great relationships, products and services.

  • Creating, leading and modelling great cultures
  • Staying positive and understanding the importance of recognition
  • Moving from entitlement to responsibility
  • Dealing with miserable people and ‘fighting clean’
  • Leading a robust, no-whinge and solution-focused culture
  • Helping your positive people to shine


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