Would You Like A Policy With That? Would You Like A Policy With That? I Leadership I Programs
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Would You Like A Policy With That?

At Proteus when a new person starts work with us, rather than give them a list of policies to read and sign for compliance, we prefer to go with the option of having a meaningful conversation… about what success looks like working here at Proteus.

Here we bring to life our company values, by sharing powerful stories that emphasise how critical it is for people to demonstrate how they best align their behaviours with them.

Basically, we ask anyone working at Proteus to behave like “fully formed adults.” Here they can commit to being positive, professional and proactive while at work. Our number one role is to work collaboratively as highly functional teams that deliver great services, products and outcomes for our customers.

That’s it really… deliver amazing service, and please don’t be a jackass!

Don’t Punish Your Good People with Another Policy!

We strongly believe that you can reduce your policies to a minimum, by adopting the principle of ‘not defaulting to creating a new policy’ when someone does the wrong thing.

You should never punish your good people with another punitive policy. Just because someone made a mistake, or they refuse to do the right thing!

When someone does the wrong thing (and they will occasionally), simply have a conversation with them. Ask them directly why they are choosing to go against our important values, when it has been clearly emphasised and articulated what is the ‘right thing’ to do around here.

Whether it’s poor performance or inappropriate behaviour, you need to address this quickly, directly and firmly. All within the spirit of giving people the ‘benefit of the doubt’, with the follow-up support to assist getting them back on track.

Critically, we need to ensure that we also clearly articulate what the consequences will be if they don’t start doing the right thing. And always ensure that we follow-up with them shortly after.

At this follow-up conversation, we will typically have two outcomes:

  1. We thank and congratulate them on their changed performance or behaviour, as they are now doing the right thing.
  2. Given that they are now consciously choosing not to do the right thing, they leave us with no choose but to go down the formal disciplinary pathway!

Whatever you do, please make sure that you don’t kick this proverbial can down the road… by writing another policy.

As Fierce Conversations author Susan Scott says: “Never be afraid of the conversations you are having. Be afraid of the conversations you are not having.”

That’s why we encourage all leaders to keep having adult conversations with your people. Coach them to continually recommit to demonstrating highly functional behaviours that are aligned to your values.

If someone continues to choose to be a jackass (but we know we can’t say that - right!), it’s time to get them off the bus! That way the rest of our beautiful people can get on with delivering amazing service.

Wishing you a wonderful, policy-free week.




Richard Dore
CEO - Director of Partnerships

Proteus Leadership


Leadership Breakfast Series 2024







Richard Dore, CEO wraps up the Leadership Breakfast Series - Embracing the Imposter Syndrome. Richard travelled across Australia to Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane to deliver his keynote. It was fantastic to catch up with existing and new clients.


Sarah Savvas Creating A Positive Culture
at Catholic Healthcare

Sarah Savvas, State Leader NSW ran the Creating A Positive Culture workshop for another group of awesome leaders at Catholic Healthcare. A fantastic workshop with an engaged group of leaders.

To find out more about this workshop, click on the button below.

More Info


Creating A Whole New Mindset
With Richard Dore (New workshop)

Last week, Richard Dore, CEO had the privilege of running the brand new Creating A Whole New Mindset workshop for a group of 40 + leaders right across Australia. The workshop was so popular, we have scheduled a second workshop on October 22nd. Book your place now!

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Three Workshops Sold Out - New Dates Available!

Every week it seems that another program sells out. Well, this week there were three. If you missed out on registering for these amazing workshops, then book your places now for the next workshops:

🌟NEW workshop scheduled: 24th October🌟
Leading & Managing Yourself (half-day workshop)


Next workshop: 8th October
Moving From Mate To Manager (half-day workshop)


Next workshop: 13th November
Moving from Busyness To Effectiveness (half-day workshop)



Nathan Archer - Emerging Leaders Program

Nathan Archer, State Leader WA kicked off session 1 of the Emerging Leaders Virtual multi-session program last week. A happy and enthusiastic group of leaders came together to network and have a great day of professional development.

More Info



Click on the button below to check out the public schedule for all our virtual and face-to-face programs. We continue to update this schedule based on client feedback and demand.

Professional Development Schedule


Have You Listened To The Let's Go - Let's Grow Podcast With Des Penny Yet?

If you're looking for a podcast that will help you become a better leader and grow your business, we highly recommend Let's Go - Let's Grow with Des Penny. Whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting out in your career, you're sure to find valuable insights and inspiration in these conversations. So, why not give them a listen today and subscribe by clicking on the link below?

Let’s GO – Let’s GROW Podcast


Follow Us On Social Media

Every week we post inspirational articles, events and information and we would love you to be a part of that. So, if you would like to follow Proteus Leadership on LinkedIn or  Instagram, then click on the button below.


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Feature Program
Leading Innovation & Strategy
Multi-Session Program

Next Virtual program:

Sep 24, Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29


Moving Yourself And Your Workplace Towards Exceptional!

A leader’s level of performance is primarily driven by how prepared they are to grow personally and professionally, and most of this growth comes about as a result of the way they think.

This unique program is designed to provide leaders with the skills and opportunities to develop the way they think, and therefore perform more effectively as a leader.

Leading Innovation & Strategy is about assisting leaders and their teams to think in new ways, to challenge the status quo and to see a bigger and better picture for the future.

Topics Include:

  • Harnessing The Power Of Innovative Thinking
  • Leading Change And Disruption
  • Building A Growth DNA
  • The Art Of Strategic Quitting
  • Making Decisions That Matter
  • The Art Of Marketing Yourself And Your Ideas
  • Moving From Operational To Strategic
  • Getting Others On Board


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